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5e Subclass Preload

Author: [[User:|]] ([[User talk:|talk]])
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Editing: Clarity edits only please
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 <!-- remove when ready to post subclass -->
|author_name= <!-- your wiki user name. please enter Anonymous if you do not have one and don't want to make one -->
|date_created= <!-- the date you created this work. Format: YYYY-MM-DD -->
|status= <!-- the status of your work, ex: complete, rough draft, etc. -->
|editing= <!-- please indicate what sort of edits you will allow for this work, such as grammar, etc. leave blank for the standard clarity edits message -->
|isnotuser= <!-- delete this line if you are a user -->
}}[[Summary::<!-- a summary of the subclass. This will appear on the nav page, not the article itself -->| ]]
{{5e Subclass Traits
|name= <!-- name of subclass -->
|class= <!-- name of parent class -->
|classNS= <!-- s=SRD5, p=pointer, u=user -->
|subclassType= <!-- Martial Archetype, Arcane Tradition, etc. -->
|summary= <!-- 1 or 2 line summary of subclass -->

|trait1name= <!-- name of trait -->
|trait1desc= <!-- description of trait -->


|trait3desc= <!-- repeat up to 20 traits -->

|desc= <!-- description of subclass -->
<!-- if this is subclass grants additional spells, please use the following template in a trait description. if not, please delete the following template -->
{{5e Subclass Spells Table
|name= <!-- name of subclass, like "Oath of Awesomeness", "Blight Circle", "Prescience Domain", or similar -->
|class= <!-- name of the class that this subclass belongs to -->
|spells1= <!-- spells gained at this level. delete if no spells are gained at this level -->
|spells3= <!-- as 1 above -->
|spells5= <!-- as 1 above -->
|spells7= <!-- as 1 above -->
|spells9= <!-- as 1 above -->
}}<!-- delete to this line to remove the subclass spells table -->
{{5e Subclass Breadcrumb|_className_}}

[[Category:5e Subclasses]]