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Explorer (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 4th December 2020
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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An explorer is a ranger alternate class feature which focuses less on combat and more on exploration and skills. She lacks most of the martial training of the ranger, being less able to fight and unable to access martial weapons. Instead they focus on teamwork and improving their allies, as well as adapting to their environment.

Class: Pathfinder Ranger

Level: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 10th, 14th, 18th

Replaces: BAB, Wild Empathy, Combat Style, Favored Terrain

Benefit: An explorer gain the following class features:

Base Attack Bonus & Weapon Proficiency: An explorer only has 3/4th base attack bonus (as a Cleric) instead of base attack bonus equal to her class level. Additionally an explorer is not proficient with martial weapons.

Skills: An explorer gain 2 extra skill points per level and treats Disable Device and all Knowledge skills as class skills.

Advice (Ex): As a swift action, an explorer can grant an ally within 30 feet (including herself) of her who can hear her a +1 competence bonus to it attack roll, saving throws or skill check for 1 round (chosen when this ability is used). This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and each 4 levels thereafter.

Explorer's Knowledge (Ex): An explorer is well-learned and educated, she adds half her class level to any Knowledge checks she makes.

Trapfinding (Ex): An explorer gain Trapfinding as a Rogue of her level.

Leader's Presence (Ex): A 2nd level explorer is able to grant any one [Teamwork] feat she has as well as any [Teamwork] feat which require that feat as a prerequisites to all allies within 30 feet of her. This ability does not function if the explorer is unconscious or helpless. Her allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of the chosen feats.

Teamwork Feat: At 2nd level and each 4 levels thereafter, an explorer gains a [Teamwork] feat as a bonus feat. She must meet the prerequisite of the chosen feat.

Acclimated Terrain (Ex): In addition to gaining her first favored terrain at 3rd level, an explorer gains an acclimated terrain. An acclimated terrain behaves in all ways as a favored terrain, except that the explorer can change which terrain she is acclimated to by getting a full rest in that terrain. An acclimated terrain cannot be chosen when increasing the favored terrain bonus when the explorer gain a new favored terrain.

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