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FATAL Grenade (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 1st April 2011
Status: Horrible!
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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FATAL Grenade

A terrifying weapon invented by a cabal of depraved wizards, the FATAL Grenades caused the downfall of entire civilizations. While only a few remain now, it is still a dreaded item and reviled to all but the most depraved and evil beings.

The FATAL grenade is thrown at a space and has a range increment of 10 feet. Once it lands, it explodes in purple fumes in a 100 ft. radius. All creatures affected must make a DC 55 Will save or take 2d6 Wisdom drain and are affected by one of the FATAL Grenade Special Effects. Roll 2d12+4−1d4 on the chart below for each creature that fails its save. All effects of a FATAL Grenade are mind-affecting effects.

Table: FATAL Grenade Special Effects
Result Effect
2-3 The Images! The IMAGES!: The creature starts having a seizure and falls to the ground convulsing, the mental images craving through its very soul. The creature is helpless for 3 rounds, at the end of which it must make a DC 23 Fortitude save or die.
4-6 Body Chart Gone Wild!: The creature is under the effect of an enlarge person spell; however, only their… intimates are affected. The target is encumbered as if it had a medium load and gains no positive effects from the spell, though they still suffer all of the negatives. This effect is permanent, but can be reverted with a remove curse effect.
7-10 −4 Str: The creature seems to believe the opposite sex are inferior and weaker. Because of their newfound overconfidence, delusion, and the blasphemous magic of the grenade, they take a −4 penalty to Strength checks, damage rolls, and attack rolls against all creatures of the opposite sex. This effect lasts for 24 hours.
11-14 Violators! Violators Everywhere!: The target seems to believe a band of rapists is chasing them. The target must make a DC 23 Will save or become panicked, fleeing as fast as possible from the illusion. The creature remains panicked for 5 minutes.
15-19 Brain Bleach: The target takes 1d6 Intelligence damage, but is unaffected by the initial Wisdom drain. Quite a lucky result, really!
20-21 "I Saw the End... and I Liked it": The creature must make a DC 23 Will save or permanently become Chaotic Evil.
22-23 FATAL: The creature must make a DC 23 Will save or flee the battlefield as fast as possible. Once secure, the creature will be inspired and start writing FATAL. It takes 1d4 weeks to complete, during which time the creature may eat, sleep, and drink as normal but will concentrate all of their time on the writing of the book. Once written, the creature must make another DC 23 Will save or read the book. FATAL counts for all intents and purposes as a Book of Vile Darkness, except any creature that reads it (evil or not) takes 2d6 wisdom drain and must make a DC 23 Will save or become permanently insane.
24-27 From Another Time, Another Land: The target must make a DC 23 Will save or fall under the single effect of microcosm, taking place in the land of FATAL. For each day it spends under the effect of the spell, the target takes an additional 1d6 Wisdom drain.
28 Lucky: The affected creature gains a free Wish!

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