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Magi Chronicles RPG (4e Sourcebook)/Character Sheet

< Magi Chronicles RPG (4e Sourcebook)

Character Sheet

Most people like to record their character's info in any way they like, but the most conventional way is by the Character Sheet. The many sections of the below sample character sheet are numbered to display what each of the sections mean.

1-- Character Name and Player Name: The name of your character (and your name, though you don't have to put your name down in the field)
2-- Character Specifics: This section outlines the important pieces of your character, such as Race, Class, Size, the Deity you worship, amount of Experience, and Level. Section 12 outlines some of your character's personal traits.
3-- Abilities: This section keeps track of your ability scores. Record your ability score, modifier and half your character's level for the modifier.
4-- Defenses: This section contains your character's defense scores: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. The defense scores are 10 + one half your level + the appropriate ability modifier, and any other additional modifiers.
5-- Hit Points: This section keeps track of your character's current Hit Point value and healing surges you have. Record your Hit Point value, Bloodied value (1/2 maximum hit points), Healing Surge value (1/4 maximum hit points), and the number of Healing Surges you have per day.
6-- Vitality: This section records your character's additional defenses, such as resistances, special traits, and saving throw bonuses. This section also keeps track of your Second Wind and Death Saving Throw counts.
7-- Armor Class: This section keeps track of your Armor Class. Your AC is 10 + Half level + Dex or Int (if you are wearing light or no armor), armor bonus(es), and any other additional modifiers.
8-- Character Qualities: This section records your character's Initiative, Base Land Speed, Action Points and Milestones, and other unique qualities such as vision. Initiative is Dexterity + half level + any other additional values. Speed is your racial base speed plus additional modifiers. All characters start out with 1 Action Point per day which adds an additional action to your turn, and you gain an action point upon reaching a milestone.
9-- Skills: This section keeps tracks of all your skills that you are and aren't trained with. You gain a +5 bonus to skills you are trained with.
10-- Racial Traits: This section keeps track of your character's racial traits. Some races have more traits than others.
11-- Class Features: This section records your character's selected class features. Some classes have more features than others.
Magi Chronicles Character Sheet

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12-- Character Features: This section is in continuation with Section 2, as is records, your character's personal traits, such as Age, Height, Weight, Eye and Hair color, and Gender. All of these are optional to fill out.
13-- Base Attack Bonus: This section keeps track of your character's base attack bonus towards different attacks. Your base attack bonus is your ability modifier (Strength for melee; Dexterity for ranged) plus half level.
14-- Languages: This section keeps tracks of the languages your characters speaks. All characters can understand and speak common, and any other languages-- depending on the race you choose. The Linguist specialization also adds additional languages that your character can learn, as well as other effects.
15-- Weapons: This section tracks your various weapons and your weapon's attack and damage bonuses.
16-- Powers: This section displays your various powers that your race, class, paragon path, and/or epic destiny offers. This also shows what kind of power source your character's class drives on. The different powers available are At-Will (attack powers which you can use once per round), Encounter (attack powers which you can use once per encounter), Daily (attack powers which you can use once per day), and Utility (a combination of At-Will, Encounter, and Daily powers that have supportive properties).

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17 & 18-- Equipment: This section keeps track of all of your equipment-- mundane and magical. The left section displays equipment worn on your body, such as the armor sets and the magic item slots. The right section keeps track of all your other equipment, such as gear, magic weapons and wondrous items.
19 & 20-- Specializations This section displays all of your character's Personal, Weapon, and Armor specializations. Personal specializations enhances your character's racial and class abilities and offers unique bonuses; Weapon specializations upgrades your weapons in many ways, but is not the same as a magic weapon; Armor specializations upgrades your armor and/ or individual armor pieces in many ways as well.
21-- Paragon Path/ Epic Destiny features: This section keeps track of your character's chosen paragon path and/ or epic destiny features, much like your class features. Paragon path and epic destiny features add a new perspective at how effective your character is in many situations-- not just combat alone.
22 & 23-- Money: This section keeps track of hoe much money you have-- in copper, silver, zeni, and gold pieces respectively. There is also the chance that your character will encounter the rare and exclusive precursor gems and orbs-- which are worth fortunes.

Character Advancement Table

Specializations Total Powers Known
Total XP Level Ability Scores Powers and Features PSP WSP ASP (At-Will/ Encounter/ Daily/ Utility)
0 1 See Race class features; racial traits; train starting skills; gain 2 at-will attack powers; gain 1 encounter attack power; gain 1 daily attack power 2 2 1 2/1/1/0
1,000 2 gain 1 utility power 5 (+3) 4 (+2) 3 (+2) 2/1/1/1
2,250 3 gain 1 encounter attack power 5 4 3 2/2/1/1
3,750 4 +1 to two 8 (+3) 6 (+2) 5 (+2) 2/2/1/1
5,500 5 gain 1 daily attack power 8 6 5 2/2/2/1
7,500 6 gain 1 utility power 11 (+3) 8 (+2) 7 (+2) 2/2/2/2
10,000 7 gain 1 encounter attack power 11 8 7 2/3/2/2
13,000 8 +1 to two 14 (+3) 10 (+2) 9 (+2) 2/3/2/2
16,500 9 gain 1 daily attack power 14 10 9 2/3/3/2
20,500 10 gain 1 utility power 17 (+3) 12 (+2) 11 (+2) 2/3/3/3
26,000 11 +1 to all paragon path features; gain 1 paragon path encounter attack power 20 (+3) 15 (+3) 14 (+3) 2/4/3/3
32,000 12 gain 1 paragon path utility power 23 (+3) 17 (+2) 16 (+2) 2/4/3/4
39,000 13 replace 1 encounter attack power 23 17 16 2/4*/3/4
47,000 14 +1 to two 26 (+3) 19 (+2) 18 (+2) 2/4/3/4
57,000 15 replace 1 daily attack power 26 19 18 2/4/3*/4
69,000 16 paragon path features; gain 1 utility power 29 (+3) 21 (+2) 20 (+2) 2/4/3/5
83,000 17 replace 1 encounter attack power 29 21 20 2/4*/3/5
99,000 18 +1 to two 32 (+3) 23 (+2) 22 (+2) 2/4/3/5
119,000 19 replace 1 daily attack power 32 23 22 2/4/3*/5
143,000 20 gain 1 paragon path daily attack power 35 (+3) 25 (+2) 24 (+2) 2/4/4/5
175,000 21 +1 to all epic destiny feature 40 (+5) 28 (+3) 27 (+3) 2/4/4/5
210,000 22 gain 1 utility power 43 (+3) 30 (+2) 29 (+2) 2/4/4/6
255,000 23 replace 1 encounter attack power 43 30 29 2/4*/4/6
310,000 24 +1 to two epic destiny feature 46 (+3) 32 (+2) 31 (+2) 2/4/4/6
375,000 25 replace 1 daily attack power 46 32 31 2/4/4*/6
450,000 26 gain 1 epic destiny utility power 49 (+3) 34 (+2) 33 (+2) 2/4/4/7
550,000 27 replace 2 encounter attack power 49 34 33 2/4*/4/7
675,000 28 +1 to two 52 (+3) 36 (+2) 35 (+2) 2/4/4/7
825,000 29 replace 1 daily attack power 52 36 35 2/4/4*/7
1,000,000 30 epic destiny feature 55 (+3) 38 (+2) 37 (+2) 2/4/4/7

NOTE: In addition to the benefits summarized on this table, you always get more hit points when you gain a level. See your class description for details.

* At these levels you replace a known power with a new power of your new level.
† Humans gain one additional specialization at 1st level. Some classes grant additional specializations as well.

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