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Publication:Falcon's Revenge

[  Falcon's Revenge]
System: Dungeons and Dragons 1e
Levels: 5 – 7 
Author: Richard W., Anne Brown 
Publisher: TSR 
Item Code: 9279 
Publication Date: 1990 
Format: Paperback 
Page Count: 64 
ISBN-10: 0-88038-830-7
Product Blurb
The Free City of Greyhawk beckons. Touted as the Gem of the Flanaess, it offers excitement and adventure in the form of magic to be learned, deals to be made, and streets to be explored. But wait - something else lurks here that threatens adventurers at every turn. Is someone following you - or is it your imagination? Why is your party receiving threats - you've been in town only a few days! Something evil does lurk in Greyhawk. But before it can be eliminated, it must first be discovered. Can your party find it before it finds you?
This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.

Plot Summary

Falcon's Revenge is a scenario in which the player characters must track down an evil cult that has infected the City of Greyhawk. The module includes several fold-up buildings which can be used to create a wharfside scene.

Publication History

WGA1 Falcon's Revenge was written by Richard W. and Anne Brown, with a cover by Ken Frank, and was published by TSR in 1990 as a 64-page booklet with cardstock sheets and an outer folder. This adventure is part of a series of three scenarios that starts with WGA1 Falcon's Revenge, continues with WGA2 Falconmaster, and concludes with WGA3 Flames of the Falcon.

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