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Publication:Grim-N-Gritty/Appendix 4/Flurry of Blows, Grim-N-Gritty (3.5e Feat)

< Publication:Grim-N-Gritty‎ | Appendix 4
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Flurry of Blows [General] Prerequisites: Combat ReflexesBenefit: You must wear light or no armor to gain the benefit of this feat. You must wield a light melee weapon or have the opportunity to make an unarmed strike. With a flurry of blows, you may make one extra melee attack in a round at your highest base attack bonus, using an unarmed strike or light melee weapon. A -2 penalty applies to this attack and each other attack made in the round. You must take a full attack action to use this ability. The penalty applies to all attacks for one full round, including attacks of opportunity.

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