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100 Far Realm Occurrences (3.5e Other)

38 bytes added, 04:07, 17 November 2012
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| 2 || class="left" | Hard Air, Soft Ground || class="left" | Air becomes solid, and everyone suffocates unless they can "dig through the air" into the ground, which has the consistancy of water and is breathable. Treat air as if it were dirt or sand.
| 3 || class="left" | Evil Gravity || class="left" | Gravity is sentient and maelviolentmalevolent, cutting off gravity and ''[[SRD:Reverse Gravity|reversing gravity]]'' as the spell, DC 20, at least once a round to harass all living creatures. Previous gravity alterations end when a new instance begins.
| 4 || class="left" | Damage Mirror || class="left" | Attacks on opponents injure yourself, attacks on yourself injures injure the nearest creature instead.
| 5 || class="left" | Fractal Element || class="left" | A 5th element beyond acid, cold, electric, and fire appears as fractal crystals which glow, feel cold to the touch, and spread like fire. If touched, make a DC 15 [[Reflex]] save to avoid catching "on fractal" for 4d6 damage a round. It can only be "put out" by taking sonic damage.
| 23 || class="left" | Crossing of Essence || class="left" | Every round, two traits switch between two creatures, such as their [[strength]] score, their hit points, their alignment, their body parts, or any other suitable aspect of their character. If the creature is alone, it swaps its body parts or things in places they don't make sense, such as gaining your ''+1 longsword'' as your new [[dexterity]] score while you fight with a ''dexterity 13''.
| 24 || class="left" | The Dollhouse || class="left" | Everything seems artifical and fake somehow, yet picture-perfect. Enemies are puppet-like in their movements and devoid of details. Those grappled by the opponents must make a DC 20 [[Will]] save or become puppeted as the others, compelled as if affected by ''[[SRD:Dominate Monster|dominate monster]]'' with permeanent permanent duration unless some fine invisible strings are cut with a ghost touch weapon. The strings have hardness 0 and 5 hp. The dollhouse is "played with" by a fantastic invincible creature which is not beyond grappling you directly (+100 to grapple) and moving you at its whim if you go outside of The Dollhouse, though it never directly injures you.
| 25 || class="left" | Frictionless Step || class="left" | If you move more than 5 feet a round in this area, you immediately move an infinite distance in your chosen direction until you hit something (up to 500 feet every round), where you stop instantly without harm. You provoke attacks of opportunity as normal for this uncontrolled movement. It's beest best to apply this effect where there are walls or creatures in the way to stop their passage.
| 26 || class="left" | Hard Angle || class="left" | It is easier to change one's absolute speed rather than direction of movement, so all creatures walk, burrow, climb, fly, and swim as if they had fly maneuverability of clumsy.
| 28 || class="left" | Misspelling || class="left" | The spell ''[[Misspell (3.5e Spell)|misspell]]'' is in effect for everyone.
| 29 || class="left" | Slice of Truth || class="left" | The surroundings appear as a flat surface, typically a gridwork or however your game table appears, including other objects on the table which cannot be reached but can be seen beyond the "invisible borders of the grid". Characters appear to be statues, not necessarily identical to their real appearances. While unable to move arms and legs, this does not prevent moving, attacks, and other interactions. The PCs simply cannot comprehend that they are minis on a map. If there are no minis or map, the PCs and monsters are invisible to themselves and others, and only able to "see" the surrounding terrain and various giants around them which ignore their presence.
| 30 || class="left" | Spiral || class="left" | Every round, creatures must make a DC 15 [[Fort]] save or have their limbs start bending into spiral shapes, giving a -1 penalty to attack, damage, and AC. Strangely, this seems pleasurable, and so creatures that succumb take a -1 penalty on the next check. Effects are cumulative. Once the creature has a penalty equal to or greater than their HD, they twist completely into an immortal, immobile, eternally gleeful, and impossibly twisted spiral shape with regeneration 15 bypassed by nothing, and cannot be saved by anything short of ''[[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]'' or ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]''.
| 36 || class="left" | Thing || class="left" | Bone hands and fingers well up from the ground, snatching at everyone upon it. All creatures touching the ground must make a [[Reflex]] save (DC 20) or be [[Immobilized_(3.5e_Condition)|immobilized]] for one round. Those who save are instead [[SRD:Entangled|entangled]].
| 37 || class="left" | Thick Air || class="left" | The air becomes thick enough where you need to make swim checks to move, and you treat yourself as if you were underwater for the purposes of movement and attacks.
| 38 || class="left" | Easter Plane || class="left" | A room full of marshmellow marshmallow peeps. They don't do anything, but they're watching, and they are everywhere. A close-up look reveals the eyes are real. However, they are still edible. If anyone eats more than 9, they must make a DC 20 [[Fortitude]] save or be sickened for 1 hour.
| 39 || class="left" | Inside Out || class="left" | Characters turn inside out. Somehow, this doesn't hurt or kill you. Attempted sneak attacks and critical hit confirmations get a +4 circumstance bonus against all creatures.
| 40 || class="left" | Malicious Weaponry || class="left" | All weapons animate as if dancing weapons and try to murder their users, unless the user grasps the weapon and makes a DC 20 [[Will]] save to control it. The weapon uses the attack, [[strength]], and damage of its user.
| 41 || class="left" | Erratic Time Flux|| class="left" | Every round, creatures must make a DC 18 [[Fort]] save. Those that make the save are affected by a {{Ex}} [[SRD:Haste|Haste]], but those that fail the save are affected by a {{Ex}} [[SRD:Slow|Slow]].
| 42 || class="left" | Erratic Space Warp || class="left" | Every round, creatures must make a DC 20 [[Will]] save or be teleported in a random unoccupied direction 1d4 squares away.
| 49 || class="left" | Grass Battle || class="left" | The floor becomes sentient and attacks, becoming fluid and able to make slam attacks as if it were a massive ooze. It attacks with a +20 bonus and deals 5d6 damage with no strength, and may make one attack to each creature per round. It has a reach of 5 feet and cannot attack creatures flying higher than 5 feet.
| 50 || class="left" | Inside Out (Oh God It Hurts!) || class="left" | All creatures turn inside out, a painful process which results in a -1 morale penalty to attack. The creature is otherwise unharmed and can survive in this state, but as their organs are exposed, it grants attackers a +4 bonus to confirm critical hits against them. This is a curse and can be removed by ''[[SRD:Remove Curse|remove curse]]''.
| 51 || class="left" | Repulsion || class="left" | The Realm suddenly tries to repulse every creature who is not a [[SRD:Aberration Type|Aberration]]. All non-[[SRD:Aberration Type|Aberrations]] must make a DC 21 [[Will]] save or be magicaly repulsed to a [[Random Planescape Plane (3.5e_Other5e Other)|random Plane]], and those that make their save are instead just magicaly moved 1D100 layers away from the effect.
| 52 || class="left" | The Seeding || class="left" | A great golden seed falls from high above, and buries itself down into the ground when it hits. 1d4 rounds later, a great tree springs forth from the ground and a single big golden eeg sits on the tree. If the egg is touched, it explodes. Roll 1d6 for the following:<br>
| 53 || class="left" | Hungry Eyes || class="left" | The DM proceeds to describe other creatures, including PCs, as various food products without any indication that it is strange, such as calmly stating how the dire watermelon attacks with its claws. The food-vision has no effect on abilities, nor does it make the creatures actually edible. The food vision effect goes away after the characters have had a full meal.
| 54 || class="left" | Genetic Lotto || class="left" | If a creature dies in the area of effect of this occurranceoccurrence, they ''[[SRD:Reincarnate|reincarnate]]'' as the spell 3 rounds later into a race of equal CR as their original race. The reincarnation is not perfect and usually has artifacts of their last race within, such as patches of green skin on an orc turned human, or pointy ears on an elf turned dwarf. Creatures will continue to respawn however many times they are killed, but after respawning 1d4+2 times, a creature will next respawn as a pitiful lump of flesh and limbs of random races they have reincarnated as. Creatures which have suffered this fate are helpless, immobile, and immortal, needing no food, sleep, or breath. Future death attempts only make the mutant worse; it can only be cured by leaving the affected area and reincarnating there, or using ''[[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]'' or ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]'' to restore the natural form. Simply reviving them will not help, as it will only revive their helpless blob state.
| 55 || class="left" | Studio Audience || class="left" | Creatures feel like they're being watched. All actions made by all creatures get reactions from an invisible audience, responding to funny events with laughing (even if it's not very funny), kindness with "awwws", successful skill checks and shows of bravado with applause, and any matter of innuendo with "wooooooo" sounds. Even normal events like hitting people with swords and tripping have cartoon sound effects. It has no mechanical effect beyond making it impossible to move silently with the constant "creeping around" soundtrack and other problems. This lasts as long as the creatures are on the layer and 1d4 hours after.
| 56 || class="left" | No-See-Ums || class="left" | The bodies of all creatures become invisible as by ''[[SRD:Greater Invisibility|greater invisibility]]'', but clothing, items, and other gear do not. This benefit grants a 20% miss chance, or complete invisibility if the creature is naked and devoid of items. Bodily fluids and consumed food remain or become invisible. This lasts for 24 hours.
| 57 || class="left" | Fatal Fists, Blunt Blades || class="left" | All lethal damage becomes non-lethal. Meanwhile, all nonlethal damage becomes lethal and deals twice as much damage as normal. Attempts to deal nonlethal damage (and thus lethal after the change) by taking -4 function, but do not double in damage. The effect vanishes after leaving the area.
| 58 || class="left" | Hole || class="left" | A toothy maw-like hole appears under a random creature, provoking a DC 15 [[Reflex]] save vs falling in. The pit appears to be bottomless and lined with teeth and strange colors. Each round, the pit expands in a 5 foot radius, letting anything in its path fall in until it eventually consumes the entire layer. Those who fall in are randomly shifted to another plane besides the Far Realm, and there is a 20% chance that they are hopelessly [[SRD:Insanity|insane]] when they arrive.
| 60 || class="left" | Overstep Yourself || class="left" | Roll 1d3. On a 1, for each square of movement a creature makes, it instead moves two squares ahead, stopping only for a solid obstacle. You cannot willingly move less distance, and you always travel in the direction. In effect, your movement of, say, 6 squares is 6 squares of 10 foot intervals (making your move speed 60 feet instead of 30). On a roll of 2, you move three squares of movement, and on a roll of 3, you move four squares of movement. 5-foot steps are also altered by this effect, and it lasts until you leave the area.
| 61 || class="left" | Spiders || class="left" | A large cloud of tiny black flecks (which on close inspection are spiders) blossoms from the ground. Those who breath it in must make a DC 20 [[Fort]] save or feel sickened for 1 round. The cloud disperses after 1 minute on its own and everything seems fine. However, if the characters break anything open on this layer after the event, they will discover that they are full of black spiders as well as what is what is normally inside. Open a coconut, spiders. Take off a helmet, spiders. Kill a monster. Blood, guts, and spiders.<br>One day afterward. , those who failed the saving throw have their vitals, their blood, even their brains, replaced by millions of spiders. This has no detrimental effect, and they may not even notice until they are cut and spiders pour out. This change is permanent. It does have two beneficial effects and one side effect. It allows the affected creature to move on the Far Plane without needing to make the save against the ambient insanity, and the creature is not attacked by mindless spiders unless said spiders are directly ordered to attack. On the downside, the creature counts as vermin whenever not beneficial. Drow often see this as a blessing from their goddess.
| 62 || class="left" | Cocooned || class="left" | The layer tries to cocoon all creatures in it in ethereal webs. A successful [[Reflex]] save (DC 22) ejects the character to the nearest layer, while a failed save ends the creature on the inside of a cocoon. A trapped creature can try to cut its way free with any light slashing or piercing weapon. The cocoon has an AC of 11, hardness 5 and 50 hp. If the creature fails to escape within 5 rounds, they are immediately knocked unconcious and awaken 4d10 days later on another plane with a pair of insectile wings. The wings are too weak to fly with, but reduce fall damage by half. Those affected must get their armor re-fit for abnormally shaped creatures. The change is permanent short of ''[[SRD:Limited Wish|limited wish]]'', ''[[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]'', or ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]''.
| 63 || class="left" | Small Kopi || class="left" | All living creatures have their left hand fall off, dealing them 2d10 damage, and the creatures regenerate a new hand in 1d4 rounds (though the damage is not also healed). The hand that falls off springs to life the second it hits the ground and take form (plus stats and abilities) like a [[Kopi Doll (3.5e Monster)|Kopi Doll]], which will try to kill its "creator".
| 64 || class="left" | Hunger Calls || class="left" | A strange scent drift drifts through the layers, and every creature must make a [[Fort]] save (DC 16) or gain the [[Gluttonous (3.5e Template)|compulsive eater trait]] of the Gluttonous template. Succeeding on 3 consecutive instances of compulsive eating removes the effect.
| 65 || class="left" | Bounty of the Land || class="left" | Bushes begins to appear out of the ground bearing great numbers of delicious-looking fruits and berries. If eaten, they bestow the same effect as a [[SRD:Heroes' Feast|Heroes' Feast]], but anyone who eats must also make a [[Fort]] save (DC 16) or receive one [[Random Mutation (3.5e Other)|random mutation]].
| 70 || class="left" | The Black Cat || class="left" | Out of the corner of your eye, you begin to see a black cat, but when you look, there is nothing. The persistent image results in a -1 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks.
| 71 || class="left" | Dire Moose || class="left" | A dire moose appears out of nothing, walks up to the largest gathering of intelligent creatures on the same layer, and tell them that the layer is about to collapse, whereafter the Dire moose disappears. The layer does collapse 1d100 rounds after the Dire Moose disappeared, dealing 10d6 damage to any creature still on the layer before ejecting it to the next layer.
| 72 || class="left" | Katamari || class="left" | Any objects smaller than yourself which are touched immediately stick to your body and cannot be removed short of universal solvent. Likely, this fuses weapons into the hands of PCs, among other things. It is not limited to hands; anything smaller than you sticks, and when you have enough random mass to be counted as a creature of a larger size category, you are able to stick much , much more. Many a poor party end up stickied, and need a small party member with their hands coated in universal solvent to roll them out of the area of effect.
| 73 || class="left" | Stuck to Play || class="left" | When you arrive on the layer, you become aware that the layer will close and prevent exit once only one creature remains on the layer. When only one creature is left, the layer seals off, preventing escape as if under ''[[SRD:Dimensional Lock|dimensional lock]]'', and any physical portals out of the layer are closed. The layer remains closed for 1d12 days, and every 1d6 hours, new random effects will occur. Roll on this table to determine which new effects occur.
| 75 || class="left" | Ignition || class="left" | The atmosphere is extremely flammable, but breathable, and seems no different from normal. If any fire occurs, the atmosphere on the layer immediately ignites, dealing 3d10 points of fire damage a round for 1d4+2 rounds. Once the fire ceases, the atmosphere is completely devoid of breathable gas, and creatures will likely suffocate.
| 76 || class="left" | Reverse Newtonian || class="left" | The ground seems solid, but if you move more than 30 feet in a round, the ground will take on a liquid consistency, allowing you to fall through. You can attempt to swim through, but you will fall 300 feet down in the first round, and 500 feet in subsequent rounds. Swimming is slow and you move at half speed. If you managed to fall more than 1000 feet, you begin taking damage from superheated rock, plus an additional 1d6 fire damage for every 10 feet lower, up to 20d6 fire damage at 1200 feet where you are submerged in magma.
| 77 || class="left" | Magic Gone Wild || class="left" | The layer is under a strong [[Wild Magic (3.5e Variant Rule)|wild magic]] effect; any time a spell or a spell-like ability is used, the user must succeed a caster level check DC 30 or a [[Wild Magic (3.5e Variant Rule)#Da Great Wild Surge Table|wild surge]] will occur. Anyone who has spells or spell-like abilities must succeed on a DC 18 [[Fort]] save for every 10 minutes spent on the layer, or become infected with [[Wild Plague (3.5e Disease)|wild plague]].