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Craft, Rebuilt (3.5e Skill)

262 bytes added, 07:25, 14 December 2018
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[[Summary::A rebuilt version of the SRD Craft skill.]] Without rank in craft it is always based on [[Dexterity]], however if a character place ranks in it she may choose to base on either her [[Intelligence]] or [[Wisdom]] instead.
In order to craft an item, you first need to determine how difficult it is to craft (from simple to insane). Then you choose the speed upon which you craft it (see accelerate crafting, extra time and rush job). Then you roll the duration of crafting and the actual craft check, technically making the actual craft check midway. When crafting you spend 505 of it market value in material, essentially creating for half the cast of buying it. If you have access to raw material for free, then the crafting cost is 25% instead.
If you create a non-consumable item you may create a single item per craft check, however for alchemical items and food you can create multiple portions at the same time. However creating a large batch of item may make the crafting process more complex, by example crafting an lechemist's fire is a fine item while a btach of 6 or more could be deemed complex in nature instead.
Craft is divided between the following crafting skill: Alchemy, Cooking, Drawing, Infrastructure, Smithing, Technology and Textile. Other crafting skills may exist depending on the world as well.
Craft (Smithing) is craft armor, tools and weapons. It cannot be used untrained and it duration unit is days.
Craft (Technology) is crafting traps, mechanism and other strange devices. It cannot be used untrained and it duration unit is dayshours.
Craft (Textile) is crafting and handling items made of fabric, leather or hide. It cannot be used untrained and it duration unit is days.
=====Craft Simple Items=====
A simple item is defined as a are usually items without moving part, usually made of a single piece of material. These are basic items, who might useful but are really simple to assemble for anyone with a basic knowledge of the craft. A simple weapon would be a club, a greatclub or other weapon the need to be sharpened or tempered. A basic infrastructure is a wall of dirt or a simple palisade. A simple meal is a a steak or cooked vegetables with no sides or seasoning.
Examples of such would be crafting simple acids and bases (alchemy), brewing tea or simple meals of meat or vegetables with no sides or seasoning (cooking), basic walls of dirt or a simple palisade (infrastructure), basic line drawings and illustrations (drawing), forging simple blunt objects such as spoons, clubs, or hammers (smithing), basic pit traps and simple tripwires (technology), or making basic fabric reams and unadorned common tunics (textiles).
=====Craft Fine Items=====
A fine item may have moving parts, it usually require a great degree of finesse and application. A fine weapon require tempering, sharpening or other processes. A fine meal has a side or require precise cooking. A fine fortification would be a stone wall while a fine brew would be a dangerous concoction like alchemist's fire. Most armors are considered fine items with the exception of plate armor, who are complex items.
Examples of such would be crafting most explosives or otherwise passively dangerous but commonplace chemicals (alchemy), cooking a well seasoned meal or any process that requires fermentation such as beer (cooking), stone and brick walls or simple and functional buildings (infrastructure), complex illustrations suitable for blueprints or artistic merit (drawing), forging items which require sharpening or maintenance or objects with moving aspects such as some wrenches, drills, or crossbows (smithing), traps with mechanical parts or objects involving cogs screws and gears (technology), or weaving silk and other fine material or adorning clothing with designs (textiles).
=====Craft Complex Items=====
A masterwork tool, weapon complex item has many moving part or armor is considered require a complex itemgreat degree of craftmanship.
Examples of such would be crafting uncommon chemicals or working with actively hazardous material such as radioactive matter (alchemy), cooking fancy exotic meals or preparing dishes from unique or strange origin (cooking), building durable and fancy buildings, roads, and bridges (infrastructure), creating lifelike drawings and paintings or accurately reproducing images or text of unusual scale (drawing), forging complex items with multiple moving parts or pieces that require high precision or extreme durability to function (smithing), room-wide trap rooms and technology that can reproduce the cutting edge or beyond for your time period (technology), or making multi-layer fabrics and composite materials such as bullet resistant fiber armor or working with strange and otherworldly difficult materials (textiles).
Examples of such would be crafting and storing chemicals that are not stable in normal conditions or that are above what is normally viable technology for your time period (alchemy), creating food with supernatural properties or unnatural preservation (cooking), building structures which will last thousands of years and still function or superstructures that breach the strength of the materials involved (infrastructure), illustrations seemingly more real than reality without even any form of example (drawing), creating legendary items from strange and exotic materials or divine materials (smithing), technology beyond your time period reliant on hundreds or thousands of subsystems (technology), or weaving textiles that stand the test of time and with properties far in excess of the strength of its materials involved (textiles).
An insane item is completed in 2d100 5d20x10 unit.
=====Extra Time=====
if the crafting check fail then no progress is made on the itemmidway through crafting, if it fail by 5 or more the attempt must be restarted from the beginning. It is usually possible to try again by recycling the material, but some crafting attempt might scrap the material investment in the item.