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Evil Clown (3.5e Class)

127 bytes added, 00:56, 22 May 2019
Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Hammerspace}} {{Su}}:''' As a free action once per round for every Charisma modifier (minimum 1), an evil clown may magically produce items for her other abilities, as specified in the descriptions of the individual abilities. This ability can be used even when it isn't the evil clown's turn.
'''{{Anchor|Clown Gags}}:''' An evil clown has a gag pool (see above), she adds her Charisma modifier to this number. She cannot spend more than her class level in a single gag (i.e., at 2nd level, max gag cost 2 gags, or 1 gag and an augment). Her gag pool resets at the start of the next day. Any save DCs are equal to 10+1/2 class level+Charisma modifier, and all spell-like abilities have a caster level equal to class level (psi-like manifester level is equal).
*''{{Anchor|Trick}} {{Sp}}:'' As a standard action, for 1/2 gag, can perform a magical trick (treat like ([[SRD:Prestidigitation|''prestidigitation'']]).
*''{{Anchor|Disquieting Diddy}} {{Su}}:'' As an immediate action, for 1 gag, can magically produce circus music and laugh maniacally at a single creature within close range (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels) to which she has line of sight. The creature is [[SRD:Shaken|shaken]] one round per evil clown Charisma modifier (minimum 1); can be negated with a Will save. Every extra gag point spent allows this to affect one more creature.