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User:MisterSinister/Work Bin

3,305 bytes added, 05:34, 9 November 2010
Work binning
|date_created=9th November 2010

|summary=Creates a shield based on your allegiances.
|name=Perfect Shield
|comp=V, S

''The shield is the first symbol of the paladin, as it protects those that wield it. With a few words of power, a paladin can call upon this power to strengthen their own shield, or to grant them one if they don't have one already. Although some non-paladins have learned this spell, it is unusual.''

If the user is wielding a shield, the shield's appearance transforms, and it gains the listed powers for the duration of this spell. If the user is not wielding a shield, a shield-shaped plane of force appears on the arm used to supply the somatic component of this spell (or an arm of the user's choice). This shield grants a +2 shield bonus to AC. This shield cannot be given to anybody else, and lasts as long as the duration of the spell continues.

The shield's appearance, and additional effects, depend on the alignment of the user.

''Lawful good:'' The shield is a glowing white circle. As an immediate reaction, the user may reroll a save against any ability from a chaotic or evil creature, or may force such a creature to re-roll an attack roll for an attack against them. One such action allows for up to three such re-rolls before the beginning of the user's next turn.

'''Enhanced:''' The shield also sheds light as if it were a torch, and the spell gains the [Light] tag. All enemies within 10ft of the user become dazzled (without a save to resist).

'''Diminished:''' Only one re-roll is granted by the main ability.

'''Immune:''' No effect (although the shield still forms).

''Chaotic good:'' The shield is a circle of multiple colours, which constantly shift and change. As an immediate reaction, the user may reroll a save against any ability from a lawful or evil creature, or may force such a creature to re-roll an attack roll for an attack against them. One such action allows for up to three such re-rolls before the beginning of the user's next turn.


'''Diminished:''' No effect (although the shield still forms).

'''Immune:''' No additional effect.

''Lawful evil:'' The shield is a rhombus of purest darkness, darker than even the night. [something] [other something]

'''Enhanced:''' The user also receives a +2 bonus to AC and saves against any abilities or attacks by chaotic and good creatures.

'''Diminished:''' No gaining the [other something]

'''Immune:''' No additional effect.

''Chaotic evil:'' The shield is a rhombus of darkness interspersed with multicoloured flames. The shield lashes out at any nearby enemies, dealing 1d6 damage to all enemies adjacent to the user at the beginning of the user's turn. Additionally, [something]

'''Enhanced:''' The user also receives a +2 bonus to AC and saves against any abilities or attacks by chaotic and evil creatures.

'''Diminished:''' No gaining the [something]

'''Immune:''' No additional effect.

'''Augment (+X level):'''


'''Alternative Names:'''

[[Category:TOToM Spell]]