Axolota (3.5e Monster)
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N Colossal Magical Beast (Kaiju, Water) | |
Init/Senses | +0/Darkvision 60 ft, Low-Light Vision; Listen +10, Spot +10 |
AC | 14, touch 6, flat-footed 14 (+8 natural, -4 size) |
hp | 190 (20d10+80 HD); DR 20/magic, fast healing 20 (equal to its HD, under the rain or in water it increases by 50%) regeneration 0 |
Immune | ability damage, ability drain, critical hits, death effects, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, polymorphing, petrification, sneak attacks, and death by massive damage |
Resist | half damage from magical and physical attacks |
Fort/Ref/Will | +16/+12/+6 |
Weakness | 50% extra damage from poison and -4 against poisons and diseases (immunity does not apply) |
Speed | 30 ft. (9 meters), climb 20 ft. (6 meters), swim 30 ft. (9 meters) |
Melee | bite +26/+21/+16/+11 (3d6+6 bludgeoning) or |
Melee | slam +26 (3d6+3 bludgeoning) |
Ranged | breath weapon (20d6, 200 ft-60 meters-1d4 rounds recharge, Reflex 24 to halve) |
Space/Reach | 30 ft. (9 meters)/20 ft. (6 meters) |
Base Atk/Grp | +20/+15/+10/+5/+42 |
Atk Options | breath weapon |
Special Actions | Breath Weapon, Devour, Juggernaut, Kaiju Attacks, Mighty Steps, Stomp (Reflex 26) |
Abilities | Str 23, Dex 11, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4 |
SQ | Amphibious, Drizzle, Dry Skin, Forced Regeneration, Hydration, Immunities, Living Terrain, Regeneration 0, Small Arms Resistance, Stability |
Feats | Amphibious, Dry Skin, Drizzle, Forced Regeneration, Hydration, Multiattack, Improved Multiattack |
Skills | Balance +3, Climb +14, Listen +10, Spot +10, Swim +14 |
Advancement | — |
Amphibious | Axolotas breathe normally both air and water. |
Breath Weapon (Ex) | An axolota has a breath weapon useable every 1d4 rounds, which deals 1d6 points of damage per HD. It's a line 10 feet (3 mters) long per HD which grants a Reflex save for half, DC 10 + ½ HD + Con. |
Damage Reduction | The axolota gains DR 1/magic for every point of HD it possesses. |
Devour | An axolota has Improved Grab with its bite attack, and Swallow Whole. It may swallow a creature up to two size categories smaller, fitting in twice as many as before for each size category down. Inside creatures take damage equal to twice its bite damage every round, half bludgeoning and half acid. They may escape by dealing damage to the stomach wall (AC 10 + 1/2 natural armor + Con modifier), dealing three times its HD in damage. Muscular action closes the hole afterwards. |
Drizzle (Su) | The weather is always raining within a 500 ft radius (150 meters) around the axolota. Everyone in the area gains a +4 bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] attacks, and all [Water] attacks in the area deal an additional 1d6 damage. It is impossible to be set on fire in this rain, and [Electric] attacks don't gain a damage increase, but they do gain an accuracy boost of +2 to the Attack roll or Save DC. The caster level for this ability is 20, in case someones tries to magically change the weather, which requires an opposite caster level check to successfully do so. |
Forced Regeneration (EX) | As a full-round action, an axolota can force its regeneration into overdrive, healing 1d6+1 hit points per HD instead of the normal amount (1d6+20). This healing count as magical healing when beneficial. At its option, it may sacrifice 10 hit points healed through this feat and instead immediately regrow a single limb; this can be done multiple times, assuming the healing is sufficient.
Once it has used this feat, it must wait 5 rounds before using it again. It may use this feat a number of times per day equal to its 1 + its Constitution modifier (5/day). |
Hydration (Ex) | As long as an axolota is in the rain or at least up to its waist in water, at the end of each of its turns it may make an additional saving throw against any one non-instantaneous status effect it suffers from. If it succeeds, the status effect is negated. |
Immunities (Ex) | An axolota is immune to ability damage, ability drain, death effects, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, polymorphing, and petrification. They are also immune to death by massive damage. |
Juggernaut | It has the Trample ability. In addition, whenever the axolota is moving, it may attempt to sunder obstructions in its way as a free action; if successful, it continues to move. It gains a +4 bonus on checks made to break objects. If it fails, its movement ends there. |
Kaiju Attacks | The natural attacks of axolotas count as siege weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to structures and buildings. They deal full damage before hardness is applied. |
Living Terrain (Ex) | The axolota is practically walking terrain. Creatures three sizes or smaller can make special grapple attempt against the kaiju with the DC being 10 + the kaiju's Dexterity modifier - the kaiju's size modifier (16). The attacker is considered grappled, but not the kaiju, and they may scale or walk along its body as if difficult terrain. The attacker gains cover against the kaiju, but at any time the kaiju may make a move action to shake off any crawling attackers. The opposed grapple, balance check, or climb check to remain attached is 1d20 + the kaiju's Strength modifier + the kaiju's size modifier (1d20 +6 +16). |
Mighty Steps (Ex) | An axolota can move over and through the spaces of creatures three sizes or smaller than it without provoking attacks of opportunity. In addition it can make a Strength check to sunder any object or fortification in its way one size smaller than it as a free action. If it fails, it ceases movement. If the kaiju is walking over land, creatures three sizes or smaller that are in its reach are subject to minor earthquakes from where it moves. The area is considered difficult terrain and forces a Balance check to avoid falling prone DC 10 + the kaiju's Strength modifier. |
Regeneration (Ex) | The axolota has regeneration 0 which is bypassed by everything. While this does not help it recover damage or convert it, it does mean the creature's limbs regenerate when damaged. If the creature loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 2d4 days. The creature can reattach the severed member in 1 round by holding it to the stump. |
Small Arms Resistance (Ex) | An axolota takes half damage from magical and physical attacks and is not subject to critical hits or sneak attacks. Siege weapons deal full damage and can do critical hits and sneak attacks, as do certain special attacks listed in the creature entry. Certain creatures can have their small arms immunity disabled by certain methods listed in the creature entry. |
Stability (Ex) | An axolota gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). This stacks with the bonuses for being a Colossal quadruped for a total of +20. |
Stomp | An axolota can slam into the ground, causing an earthquake. As a standard action, it can force creatures in a 100 ft radius (30 meters) to make a Reflex save, DC 10 + ½ HD + Str, or fall prone and take 1d10 nonlethal damage, save negates prone and halves the damage. If it is within 5 feet of a creature it can stomp on the creature, and if they fail the save, they take its slam damage as well plus 2d10 points of damage for every size category it exceeds them. |
Weak Physiology | Axolotas are very susceptible to poisons and diseases. As such, they take 50% more damage from poison damage, and traditional poisons, as well as diseases, bypass all their immunities. They have -4 to saves against all these effects. |
Strategies and TacticsEdit
Axolotas are normally peaceful creatures, despite being carnivorous. Most of their attacks happen because of one of two things: the axolota is starving and requires to find food or its environment is in danger and the axolota rampages furious and scared. Fighting axolotas often means that the combat happens underwater. There the beast takes advantage of its maneuverability while swimming and tries to devour all of its opponents. As it's almost impossibile to hurt the axolota while it's underwater any opponent usually dies or flees. When out of the water the axolota still benefits from it's regenerative abilities thanks to the rain it summons, but it's at least possibile to stop it. Unfortunately an axolota on land is angered and attacks relentlessy. It will use it's breath weapon to cause the maximum destruction possibile, and will continue to do so while waiting for it to recharge. It will try to swallow everything it bites. It doesn't stop unless it has destroyed everything it can see or if hurt enough to fear for its life. In this case it will retreat to the nearest body of water, hiding there while it recovers. Sometimes axolotas don't come back after being almost deafeated, at least for a while.
They live in large bodies of water, most often fresh water (usually lakes), though they can be found in seas and oceans, especially when travelling to a new place to inhabit. They prefer to remain underwater all the time, feeding on water creatures and waste thrown into the water. They come out of the water only to search for food (animals in first place) or to travel to another body of water, usually because the lake isn't large enough to sustain their population or if searching for a mate. Despite being potentially destructive, these migrations are usually peaceful as axolotas are content with eating occasionally and avoid confrontation, unless provoked. They usually rampage when the water they live in is polluted as they suffer greatly from poisons and diseases. This is usually fault of nearby communities and so axolotas attack them.
Typical Physical Characteristics:
Axolotas are colossal axolotls, displaying the same body structure and color of typical axolotls: they are similar to salamanders, have external gills on the side of their heads, a caudal fin extending from behind the head to the bottom of the tail. They have wide heads and lidless eyes. Females are a bit larger than male. They don't have any teeth. Their typical pigmentation is brown/tan with gold speckles and an olive undertone, but many have mutant colors: leucistic (pale pink with black eyes), golden albino (golden with gold eyes), xanthic (grey with black eyes), albino (pale pink/white with red eyes). They live for hundreds of years if left alone, reproducing once or twice in that timeframe. They can go dormant for prolonged periods of time if needeed.
Always neutral.
Nobody is sure where do axolotas come from. Some say they are the byproduct of magic waste tossed into bodies of water which mutated normal axolotls, while others believe them to be forces of nature, created to punish mortals who pollute freshwater and to protect lakes. A third opinion states that they just are, as any other creature does. Whatever the answer is they are now everyone's problem.
They usually live alone, as not many lakes can sustain more than one, unless very large and deep. When they mate they remain together for a while, but one of them leaves soon. Females raise their youngs alone, but after few years they are already strong enough to live on their own and usually the mother relocates at that time.
Sample LairEdit
Open and deep lakes are their home, sometimes living inside large cave systems underwater (though rarely).
Typical TreasureEdit
They don't have any treasure, unless something they've eaten survives their stomach's acid juice.
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