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Balhannoth (5e)

 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

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Balhannoth Overview

Unofficial Description: Large aberration with four tentacles that shapes it environment to lure prey.

Balhannoth VariationsEdit

(3 official and unofficial Balhannoths)

Name Type Subtype Size HP CR (XP) Alignment Habitat Source
Balhannoth Overview Overview Aberration, Balhannoth Varied
Balhannoth MToF Aberration Balhannoth Large 114 11 (7,200) Chaotic Evil Coastal, Mountain, Shadowfell, Underdark Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
Balhannoth MotM Aberration Balhannoth Large 114 11 (7,200) Chaotic Evil Coastal, Mountain, Shadowfell, Underdark Monsters of the Multiverse

Sources and NotesEdit

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