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Geographical information
Aliases Isle of Serenity
Area Zakhara
This article is based on material by: 

Sahu is a large island in the Crowded Sea to the southwest of Afyal.[1]

Sahu is an ancient place, the home of two destroyed civilizations: the New Dynasty of the Necromancer Kings and the Old Empire of Thasmudyan that preceded them.[2] It is an island of ruined cities, magical pools, and cursed lakes. Its forgotten palaces are littered with the treasures of bygone epochs and scattered with the bones of foolhardy explorers. Sahu is dubbed the "Isle of Serenity," though the actual meaning of the word is rooted in deep antiquity. Actually, in the ancient language of Kadari, spoken by the Necromancer Kings, Sahu means something like "Serene Eternity," an old euphemism for death.[2]

Two villages, Misbahd and Jinutt, can be found on the island's northern shore, at the base of the giant plateau.[2]


  1. Jeff Grubb (1992). Land of Fate. (2e) TSR. ISBN 1560763299. Map.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Steve Kurtz (1995). The Complete Book of Necromancers. (2e) TSR. ISBN 0786901063. pp. 107-108.

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