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Constant Lightning (3.5e Spell)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 6-29-14
Status: Complete
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Constant Lightning
Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Druid 6
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect or Area: One or more 30-ft.-long vertical lines of lightning
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes

Nature itself hates you. Look, it's trying to hit you with lightning!

This acts like call lightning with the following changes. You are no longer limited to one thunderbolt per caster level (max 10), and may use one thunderbolt a round for the entire duration. In addition, calling a thunderbolt is now a free action able to be used once per round.

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