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Deformity, Preying Talons (3.5e Feat)

Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 05/10/2021
Status: Complete
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Preying Talons [Deformity] Jumping down from the rooftop, the rogue struck the zombie on the head with its feet-claws.Prerequisites: Must have feet, Willing DeformityBoVDBenefit: You gain two feral strikes in the form of one-handed claw attacks that deal 1d8 of piercing and slashing damage with a 19-20/x2 critical threat. You may use these feral strikes only airborne, either jumping or flying. The claws deal double damage if using a diving attack or falling more than 20 feet (6 meters).

Your land speed decreases by 5 feet (1,5 meters) and you can't wear regular footwear without paying additional gold, as per non-humanoid armors.

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