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Divine Glibness (3.5e Feat)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-8-12
Status: Complete
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Divine Glibness [Salient Ability] You are a master of the silver tongue.Prerequisites: Divine Rank 1, Bluff 23 ranks, Cha 25Benefit: You are immune to any supernatural effects which divine anything about you, including detect spells, forms of mind-reading, effects such as zone of truth, spells which determine your alignment, and even magical items which function based on alignment. Rather than giving no result, it displays a random false result of your choice. Only effects which determine your motives naturally (such as Sense Motive) function.

In addition you can use your silver tongue to generate a series of mind-affecting effects. The deity may affect up to 1 person per divine rank at any one time by the following effects, and he may use these at will. However those that successfully save become immune to further uses of divine glibness for 24 hours. Choose from the following, the saving throw for each is 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha modifier:

Friendly Company: As a full-round action you can cause a number of creatures equal to your divine rank to fall under the affects of charm monster, Will negates. Further manipulation is possible from here.

If You Would Look Over Here...: As a full-round action you can cause a number of creatures equal to your divine rank to fall under the affects of hypnotic pattern except it is language-dependent, not pattern based and it has no HD limit, Will negates.

Would You Kindly?: As a full-round action you can cause a number of creatures equal to your divine rank to fall under the affects of suggestion, Will negates. If the creature has less CR than your divine rank, at the end of the effect they become convinced that the suggestion was their own idea, finding a way to justify their unusual choice at the time.

Politics as Usual: Over the course of 1 minute, the bluff skill can used belittle the preaching of others, being disruptive and at the same hand gaining the respect of others. When a creature is using bluff or diplomacy to sway others to their viewpoint, a deity can counter their argument, making an a bluff check opposed to the other creature's bluff, diplomacy, or intimidate (whichever they were using to convince others). If successful, treat the difference between results as a positive gain for the deity, and a negative loss for the speaker. For example if a diplomat were making a speech on being nice to puppies with a diplomacy result of 25, and the deity countered on how they should eat puppies with a bluff of 36, creatures listening would treat the deity's idea as if he rolled an 11 to convince others of the virtues of puppy eating, while the diplomat would have gotten the result of -11 to convince them that being nice to puppies is a good idea.

Politics as Usual can be dangerous, as failing to beat the opposed roll invokes the penalties on yourself while making the other side look potentially better off. In addition if the attempt is too outlandish or shocking even a successful roll may not convince others, though it will certainly make your opponent look bad in the process. Special: Suitable for deities of Commerce, Lies, and Thieves.

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