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Genetic Black Sheep (3.5e Trait)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 6-17-14
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Genetic Black Sheep

Switch your ability scores around, resulting in charismatic dwarves or unusually strong gnomes.

Benefit: Choose two ability scores. You can switch the racial modifiers around, up to a maximum of +2 or -2. For example you can get a dwarf with -2 Con and +2 Cha, or gnomes with +2 Str and -2 Con. An centaur can swap Int and Wis, but can't swap it's strength, dexterity, or constitution as the modifier is larger than +2 or -2.

Drawback: Growing up in a society which doesn't have the same talents as you causes your skills from your natural ability to be stunted. You take a -1 penalty on ability and skill checks related to the two ability scores you swapped around.

Special: Must have at least one positive and one negative racial ability score bonus or penalty.

Roleplaying Ideas: Being an unusually buff but undexterious halfling in a society where people are expected to be weak yet nimble causes you to stand out as a freak, and you may have problems of being unusually squishy, or unusually weak, or unusually dull witted compared to your kin. You may focus on your weaknesses over your strengths, or view your strengths as something that makes you a weirdo.

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