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Giant Robot (3.5e Template)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 3-12-16
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Giant RobotEdit

A strange, temporary template that is the result of an item, the result of creatures becoming giant-sized mechanoids.

"Rise Gigazoid Platinum X!"

Due to magical relics or technological wonders, a creature obtains and directly bonds with a giant robot or comes under the effect of something which turns them into a giant mechanoid being. Rather than replace a creature's abilities, as most suits of this kind are wont to do, the giant robot template implies the creature itself has become a giant robot, and retains many of their abilities. Unlike most templates, the giant robot template is not designed as a permanent template in mind. Instead, it is a template capable of being damaged or destroyed, and is usually only given out as a boon or strange McGuffian.

Creating a Giant RobotEdit

This is an acquired template which may be added to any creature up to Large size.

Size and TypeEdit

For the purposes of typing, the creature is considered a Gargantuan Construct instead of whatever they were originally. While their size does change (including reach, weapon size, and size penalties and bonuses), do not adjust BAB, skills, saves, or hp except as listed below.


All the creature's movement speeds get a +30 ft increase.

Armor ClassEdit

The creature gains a natural armor bonus equal to the amount of size penalty they gain from their new size (effectively keeping their normal AC the same as before).


The creature gains a circumstance bonus on attack rolls equal to the amount of size penalty they gain from their new size (effectively keeping their attack bonus the same as before).

Special AttacksEdit

Mega-Damage: The damage of a giant robot is augmented from their original form. While they technically deal the same damage as their smaller form, all attacks are considered siege weapons. Creatures two sizes smaller (Large or smaller) with the giant robot's HD -4 or less must make Fortitude saves against massive damage whenever taking damage from a giant robot's attacks.

This applies to the giant robot's spells and other abilities. All area effects are doubled in size.

Trample (Ex): All giant robot creatures gain the trample ability against creatures two sizes smaller (Large or smaller).

Special QualitiesEdit

Bonus Hp: This template comes with its own stock of hit points, equal to 60 + 15 hp per HD. This hp pool is separate from the base creature's own. When this pool hits 0, the giant robot template breaks and the base creature must make a DC 20 Reflex save to escape their own death throes. On a success, they are launched in a random direction 30 ft + 1d6x10 ft away. The template is removed.

Hardness: Giant robots have hardness 10 and are considered fortifications for the purpose of interacting with siege weapons. Electricity, fire, and force attacks deal half damage to giant robots before applying hardness. Cold attacks deal one-quarter damage before applying the hardness. Acid and sonic deal normal damage before hardness. As an effective fortification the giant robot takes half damage from ranged weapons (unless the weapon is a siege engine or something similar) before hardness.

Giant Robot Traits: Giant robots are constructs, and gain many traits of Constructs. They have no constitution score (but you retain your original constitution for the purpose of skills, hit points, and saving throws as normal), low-light vision, and darkvision 60 ft. You are immune to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, paralysis, poison, and stunning, as spell as death from massive damage. You are NOT immune to mind-affecting effects, sleep effects, necromancy effects, of effects that require a Fortitude save unless the base creature was immune. You heal as a living construct, taking half effect from positive energy healing and full effect from the repair series of spells. If the base creature healed by negative energy, they instead take half effect from negative energy. While a giant robot, you have no need to breathe, but must still eat and sleep as the base creature.


Do not change ability scores in spite of changing size. You are considered to have your x4 your Strength score for the purposes of carrying capacity.


Siege Weapon Wielder: All giant robot creatures gain the Siege Weapon Wielder feat as a bonus feat. They can wield siege weapons two sizes smaller (Large) as one-handed weapons, or three sizes smaller (Medium) as light weapons.

Challenge RatingEdit


Level AdjustmentEdit


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