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Instant Counterspell (3.5e Feat)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-12-12
Status: Complete
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Instant Counterspell [Salient Ability] NO! CASTING!! EVEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!Prerequisites: Divine Rank 1Benefit: When any spell is cast within the deity’s line of sight and within their divine aura, the deity can counterspell it as a free action which consumes an attack of opportunity. The deity must be capable of casting spells or have the spell to be countered as a spell-like ability, and also must make the required Spellcraft check beforehand. In addition, the deity is able to counterspell spell-like abilities as if they were spells. Normal: Spell-like abilities cannot be used as counterspells, nor may they be counterspelled.Special: Suitable for deities of Magic.

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