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Involuntary Rodeo Saddle (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: October 22, 2015
Status: Completed
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Involuntary Rodeo SaddleEdit

Involuntary Rodeo Saddle
Price: 6,000
Body Slot:
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate transmutation
Activation: See text
Weight: 5 pounds


This saddle appears to simply be an enchanted saddle bestowing a +5 enchantment bonus to Ride checks for the rider and a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution for the steed that wears it, but it is in fact a cunning trap. Upon the saddle being equipped to a mount and a character mounting the steed and beginning to ride, the saddle functions normally for 1 minute. Once that minute is up, it magically fastens the rider to itself, causing them to be rendered unable to dismount the mount no matter how hard they try. At the same time, it zaps the mount's spinal cord with immense amounts of magical energy, causing the creature to have a seizure and begin bucking and thrashing about wildly. The extremely vigorous motion forces the rider to make a Fortitude save, DC 16, or become nauseated for 1 hour; the Fortitude save must be made once per minute. At the same time, both the mount and the rider take 1d6 nonlethal damage every round; if this damage knocks the rider unconscious, he begins taking lethal damage. Once the mount is knocked unconscious, it flicks its body forward and flings the rider off its back before passing out; the rider must make a DC 30 Ride check to avoid being unceremoniously flung from the saddle, landing (1d8+2)×5 feet away and taking 1d6 damage for every 5 feet of forced movement. (This also happens if the rider dies before the mount falls unconscious, except that the saddle simply stops zapping the mount once the rider is thrown off (the mount gets to remain conscious, albeit with a lot of accumulated nonlethal damage, and the rider, being dead, is not entitled to a Ride check to stay in the saddle).) If the rider manages to stay in the saddle, he must immediately make another Ride check to make a soft fall as the mount falls unconscious.

Casting remove curse on the saddle, mount, or rider while the mount is still having a seizure suppresses the magic of the saddle for 1 minute, making it possible to dismount, after which it continues zapping the mount's spinal cord and refastens the rider if the rider hasn't dismounted yet.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse, tazer beam or wrack[1], stick[1] or sticky saddle[1].
Cost to Create: 3,000 gp, 240 EXP, 6 days.

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