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Kamaitachi (3.5e Feat)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-24-14
Status: Complete
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Kamaitachi [Fighter, Tactical] Like a hidden wind you rush by. They feel nothing, but they are already dead.Prerequisites: Hide 8 ranks, Tumble 8 ranks, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus in any of the following weapons: Bite, Claw, Dagger, Kukri, Kama, Sickle, Scythe, or Unarmed Strike.Benefit: The Kamaitachi feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.

Delay Damage: When you make an attack, you can choose to delay the damage up to 5 rounds. While damage is delayed there is no pain and the creature may be completely unaware you successfully stuck them at all.

Invisible Wind: When you make a spring attack, you briefly become a transparent wind during your movement granting you invisibility during the movement.

Ride the Whirlwind: You can choose to "mount" the wind as a move action (or a free action with a DC 20 ride or tumble check), allowing it to take you along with it. While mounting the wind you are under the effects of gaseous form and can remain in this state until you decide to dismount. You travel at the same speed and direction of the wind +10 ft as a move action, or 10 ft movement speed if there is no wind. You can go in any direction except against the wind, so your mobility is limited to the weather conditions.

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