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Magic Gun (3.5e Feat)

Author: Infiltrator (talk)
Date Created: 9/29/2019
Status: Work in progress
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Magic Gun [Reserve] Prerequisites: At least one 2nd level evocationBenefit: While you have at least one evocation of 2nd level or above ready to be cast, you can form a magic gun in a free hand as a move action. You can use this gun to attack as an attack action, dealing 1d6/2 spell levels of the highest level evocation you have available to cast (rounded down). The attack is a ranged attack, and the max range is 120 ft. A magic gun is a light weapon.

As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting evocations. Special: You may take this feat twice, gaining the ability to form multiple guns. You take penalties as normal for fighting with two weapons. However, more powerful spells do reduce these penalties. Starting at 3rd level spells, you reduce the penalties for two weapon fighting by the level of the highest level evocation you have to cast -1. This never translates into a bonus. (I.e., if you had a -1 penalty and a 3rd level evocation ready to be cast, the penalty would be reduced to 0, but not increase to +1)

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