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Manual of the Lurking Shadow (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Wildmage (talk)
Date Created: 02-23-15
Status: Done
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Manual of the Lurking Shadow
Type: Manual
Description: Made of rice paper and held together by black silken strings.
Author: The master
Publisher: There are only handwritten copies.
Language: Draconic
Subject: The first lessons on the way to becoming a ninja.
Clarity: DC 14 Knowledge (Local)
Length of study: 50 Hours study and training after each 10 hours of study one must make a Balance check DC 10 to see if one has absorbed the lesson. If one fails one of these Balance checks the whole length of study must be started anew.
Bonus of study: You get ki powers. Your Ki pool is equal to your HD/4 and you know all 1st level ki powers, your ki pool refresh with 1/10 minutes of rest.

If you are a tome ninja you instead just add HD/4 ki to your normal ki pool.

Cost: 500 gp

People that have owned this book have often ended their days found with their troat slit in the morning and the book missing.

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