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Mirror of Determinist Horror (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 11/15/11
Status: Really now.
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Mirror of Determinist HorrorEdit

Mirror of Determinist Horror
Price: 50000
Body Slot: None
Caster Level: 17
Aura: Strong Transmutation (DC 23)
Activation: See text
Weight: 20 lbs.

This ordinary-looking wall mirror seems just a little bit odd until you realize that your reflection is doing everything you do one second before you do it.

Any creature who fails a Will save against the Mirror of Determinist Horror's gaze attack (DC 23) becomes fascinated as they can't stop theirselves from watching the mirror. However, since they can see theirselves reacting to their reaction at being attacked before it happens, creatures watching the mirror always get a surprise round in combat, and no other creatures do.

A creature who watches the Mirror of Determinist Horror for an hour must make a Will save (DC 33) or become permanently confused until a modify memory spell or other effect is used on them to make them forget looking in the mirror. If they succeed on the save, they never have to make another Will save against the Mirror of Determinist Horror again, as they have reconciled their philosophy with its existence.

The Mirror functions by transmitting reflected light backwards in time precisely one second. Contradictions are resolved through a superposition of states: "I will do this thing, unless I see myself do it," will likely result in the viewer seeing theirself both do it, not do it, and stand staring in confusion at the shaky blur, all at the same time.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, silent image, teleport through time.
Cost to Create: 25000 gp, 2000 EXP, 50 days.

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