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Ouroboros Circuit Periapt (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 4-27-18
Status: Complete
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk
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Ouroboros Circuit PeriaptEdit

Ouroboros Circuit Periapt
Price: 70,000g
Body Slot: Throat
Caster Level: 17th
Aura: Strong Abjuration and Conjuration
Activation: -- and Standard
Weight: 1

This elderein amulet is designed in the form of a serpent devouring its own tail, wrapped into the symbol for infinity and a small jewel embedded within the center. When charged the jewel glows with power, and when exposed to the eldritch and unknown the snakes seem to come to life and writhe.

This powerful elderein amulet devours spells, storing it deep within the jewel embedded in its center. There is a 20% chance that any spell that would affect the user and grants spell resistance and is instead absorbed, granting the item a number of charges equal to its spell level. It can store up to 5 charges, with additional charges being ignored. With these charges the wearer can access the following spell-like abilities:

  • 5 charges: Cast the travel version of the gate spell, or dismissal.

The caster level is equal to your character level, and the spell DCs are based on your highest mental ability modifier. You still pay any costs associated with the spell. The spell absorption functions regardless if it is a helpful spell or not. It occurs before rolling saving throws or spell resistance.

Creatures with dark insight and at least 13 HD may spend 1 point of insight as an immediate action to bring the absorption chance of the amulet to 100% until the beginning of your next turn.

Raiments of the Serpent King Collection BenefitsEdit

The Ouroboros Circuit Periapt is part of an magic item setMIC called the raiments of the serpent king. Wearing and using multiple parts of this set increases the overall power of the items.

Raiments of the Serpent King Pieces and Abilities
Piece Body Slot Price Ability
Ouroboros Circuit Periapt Throat 70,000 gp Things
Scales of the Warped Serpent Body 13,800 gp Things
Serpent's Eye of Providence Head 10,000 gp Things
Writhing Star Held 11,900 gp Things
Raiments of the Serpent King Collection Benefits
Pieces Worm Benefit
2 pieces Gain spell dampening 2.
4 pieces Gain spell dampening 4.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, absorptionSpC, dimensional anchor, dismissal, gate, plane shift, reveal doom, sense no evil.
Cost to Create: 35000 gp, 2800 EXP, 70 days.

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