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Painted (3.5e Template)

Author: TheLordofNyrin (talk)
Date Created: 2/27/2017
Status: {{{status}}}
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A creature that is made from paint and ink, brought to life by the artists brush

Creating a Painted CreatureEdit

Painted is an inherited template given to all illustrated creatures that exist within the Plane of Pictures (3.5e Location) Scene, but can be acquired by a non-illustrated creature while they are within the plane of pictures scene under certain scenarios, such as a spell or curse cast upon the non-illustrated creature or extreme prolonged exposure to the painted world depicted in the scene. A painted creature appears to be completely normal to all other painted creatures within the scene, but to a non-illustrated creature inside of its scene it appears as an uncannily close resemblance of the creature it depicts made of ink and paint and to an onlooker viewing the creature from outside of the plane of pictures, it's just a painting devoid of life.

Painted can be assigned to any type of creature, referred to hereafter as the "base creature".

Size and TypeEdit


Same as base creature.


All painted creatures are Aberrations, however the painted creature is treated in all aspects as if it was the original base creature when interacting with other painted creatures or when interacting with a non-illustrated creature while they are within the Plane of Pictures Scene with them. The base creatures original type becomes their sub-type and the painted creature keeps all of the same properties, skills, features and templates, both acquired and inherited, saves, skills, etc. of that of the base creature. Do not recalculate stats upon adding this template.

Hit DiceEdit

Same as base creature.


A painted creature's speed is the same as the base creature's; however a painted creature cannot move more than 10 feet beyond the edge of the scene they are in unless they change scenes.

Armor ClassEdit

Same as base creature.


A painted creature's attacks are unchanged from those of the base creature; however, a painted creature cannot attack or interact with a non-illustrated creature outside of its current scene in any way.

Full AttackEdit

A painted creature's full attack is unchanged from that of the base creature, however a painted creature cannot make a full attack on or interact with a non-illustrated creature outside of its current scene in any way.

Special AttacksEdit

Same as base creature.

Special QualitiesEdit


A painted creature can as a free action modify their art style and coloring to that of their liking or to match the scene they are in, however onlookers that are looking at the painted creature from outside of their scene in the plane of pictures will not be able to see the change as if it never happened. While Repainting acts in the same way as an SRD:Alter Self spell, it grants no additional benefits and is purely cosmetic. If a non-illustrated creature enters their scene, any visual changes to the painted creature are restored to their default. If a painted creature is modified by a creature outside of their scene in the plane of pictures, the modifications change the painted creatures default style. For example, if the painted creature wishes to have green hair when it is really blue, their hair will appear green to all creatures within their scene, both illustrated and non-illustrated, however the visual change will appear to have never occurred to onlookers outside of the plane of pictures, but if an artist who is repainting the painted creature changes their blue hair to green, all creatures both inside and outside the plane of pictures will see the change and it will become their default hair color.

Painted Time-Space(Ex)Edit

A painted creatures entire life is contained within the scene they are in and to an observer looking at a painted creature from outside of their scene, they appear frozen in time and space for all of eternity. However to all creatures within the plane of pictures both illustrated and non-illustrated the painted creature is going about their day as normal doing activities and motions the same as any other creature would. Since time flows differently within the Plane of Pictures, A painted creature is fully protected from any and all influence outside of their scene and considered to be under the effects of a SRD:Mind Blank spell and a SRD:Time Stop spell at all times to a creature outside of their scene in the plane of pictures. When a painted creature is interacting with creatures inside of their scene, both illustrated and non-illustrated, they do not have the warping of time and space affect them and do not gain these protective effects. Hence why a scene depicting an ancient battle of two armies clashing appears to just be a frozen still image to an observer but is very real to all of the painted creatures within the scene.

Window Scene(Ex)Edit

The world outside of the painted creatures scene is completely visible to them regardless of wherever they are in the scene, and while they appear frozen in time to their observers, they are able to view the world outside of the scene in real time as if looking through a window. Hence a painted creature can look out of their scene and see the world outside and the people going about their business completely unaware the painted creature is watching them.

Scene Change(Su)Edit

While a painted creature appears to be completely trapped within their current scene, it couldn't be further from the truth. A painted creature can move from their current scene within the plane of pictures into any other adjacent scene within this plane. The adjacent scene could simply be the picture across the hall or a scene far on the other side of the world since all scenes within the plane of pictures are equidistant from each other. When a painted creature changes scenes, they still appear to be frozen in their original scene to any onlooker outside of the plane of pictures, but to the painted creature they have completely changed locations much in the same way as if a normal creature had used a teleport spell or walked outside of their home. When a painted creature moves to another scene other than their original scene, they are counted as an Outsider to all other creatures within the scene they have moved to, and if the painted creature is killed within their new scene or banished from it, they are cast back into their original scene as if they had never left to begin with on the next day or "reset interval" within their scene of origin. Scene change cannot be used by the painted creature if a non-illustrated creature enters their scene and if a non-illustrated creature enters their scene while they are not there, they are instantly teleported back into their original scene and get no saves to resist the effects of being forced back into their scene of origin. If a non-illustrated creature enters a scene they have changed to, the painted creature cannot change to any other scene other than their scene of origin.

Painted Existence(Ex)Edit

A painted creature can only be killed permanently by a non-illustrated creature that has entered their scene in the plane of pictures. If a painted creature kills another of its kind, the slain painted creature is instantly returned to life in their scene of origin and in their original pose on the next day or "reset interval" within their "scene-time". No illustrated creature, including the painted creature itself, within the painted creatures scene will even recognize that they had died or ever were dead to begin with. However, if a painted creature is killed by a non-illustrated creature, it remains dead. If the non-illustrated creature leaves the painted creature's scene and no other non-illustrated creatures are present within, it dies permanently, vanishing from the scene completely and cannot be raised or brought back in any way. In addition to the painted creature completely vanishing from existence, all other painted creatures in the scene will not remember them and continue on with their lives as if their slain brethren had never existed in the first place. If a painted creatures scene of origin is destroyed from the outside world, all painted creatures tied to this scene die permanently and can never be raised and all painted creatures that changed scenes to this one are banished back to their scene of origin.

Scene Border(Ex)Edit

A painted creature can never leave the plane of pictures on its own no matter how hard it tries, however it can be brought into the real world or another plane by being summoned by another creature outside of their scene. If a painted creature attempts to use a spell to leave their scene such as a gate spell, teleport spell, or plane shift spell, they will instead move to another scene within the plane of pictures that mimics the one they were trying to go to (See Scene Change) or the spell will instantly fail.

Summoned Painting(Ex)Edit

If a painted creature is summoned into another plane by creature outside of the plane of pictures, they vanish from their painting and appear in the plane they were summoned into by the caster. The painted creature cannot kill or ignore commands from their summoner, be banished back into there plane of origin, or hedged just as a summoned monster would; however the painted creature retains all of its special abilities, spells, traits, memories and features it had as if it was still in the painted world, making a painted creature that has been summoned into the real world capable of interacting with its summoner and others in the real world much like how a creature of its base type would. A painted creature can prevent themselves from being summoned with a will save made against the spell that was used to summon them's Spell DC. Once a painted creature has been summoned, they will appear as a cell-shaded or Three-dimensional rendering of themselves in the world they are in. If the painted creature dies while summoned, they are instantly warped back into their scene of origin inside of the plane of pictures and reappear in the scene as if they never left. No other painted creatures will even remember them leaving, however the painted creature will retain its memories of the world outside. A painted creature can be turned back into its base creature by use of a wish or miracle spell while they are still summoned into the real world, however they will lose the painted template, no longer be bound to their scene of origin, and none of the other painted creatures tied to their scene of origin will remember their existence as if they were never there. An ex-painted creature will have its sub-type changed to native outsider, but its original type will be changed back to that of the base creatures.

Weakness to Paint Thinners(Ex)Edit

A painted creature takes 1d6 HP damage per round of exposure when making contact with water and double damage from any water based spell or special attacks (but not cold type spells and effects) not originating from a scene in the plane of pictures. Painted water has no adverse effect on a painted creature obviously. If a painted creature touches paint thinners such as nail polish remover or turpentine, it takes 1d4 CON damage and 2d6 HP damage per round of exposure to the solvent. Damage caused by paint thinners can only be healed by repainting the disintegrated parts of the painted creature or a lesser restoration spell or similar effects.


+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma. If the painted creature inherited this template, their intelligence score cannot be higher than their creators. Painted creatures that acquired this template do not have their intelligence scores affected.


Same as base creature.



A painted creature gains the ability to see up to 120 feet in full color in total darkness and black and white dark vision twice as far. but only for objects within their scene. A Painted creature can see up to 60 ft in total darkness outside of their scene, but only in black and white. The distances for low light vision for both is trippled. If the base creature had dark vision, their previous version of dark vision is overwritten by this one.

Painted Traits(Ex)Edit

A painted creature is not subject to critical hits, death from massive damage, energy drain, ability drain, bleeding effects or non-lethal damage, Does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, but can still benefit from the effects of consumable spells and magic items such as heroes’ feast and potions. Does not need to sleep, but must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells, can be affected by spells that affect both constructs and non-constructs, and with 0 hit points is disabled and can only take a single move action or standard action in each round, but strenuous activity does not risk further injury. When a painted creature's hit points are less than 0 and greater than –10, a they are inert, unconscious and helpless, and cannot perform any actions. However, an inert painted creature does not lose additional hit points unless more damage is dealt to it, as with a living creature that is stable. A painted creature is unable to procreate with others even if the base creature is able to reproduce. A painted creature does not age and does not gain penalties or benefits from their age.


All painted creatures are able to speak to each other as if they all share the same language and are fully capable of understanding each other regardless of what they're base creature was, however when communicating with a non-illustrated creature it does not gain this benefit and can only speak with the non-illustrated creature in the languages the base creature knows.


Any scene within the Plane of Pictures.


Any or as depicted within the scene.

Challenge RatingEdit

Same as base creature.


Same as base creature, however all loot gained is painted and cannot leave the plane of pictures.


Same as base creature.



Level AdjustmentEdit


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