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Publication:Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 216

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Dungeon (magazine)/Dungeon 216
Dungeon Magazine 216 0000.jpg
System: Dungeons and Dragons 4e 
Abbreviation: DM216 
Author: Miranda Horner 
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast 
Publication Date: July 2013 
Format: PDF 
Page Count: 55 
Price: $10.99

Table of ContentsEdit

  • The Sun Never Rises: Drow have taken hostages in the temple of the sun god, and it'll take more than diplomacy to win the day. This D&D adventure was originally run at Winter Fantasy 2012 as a tease for the Rise of the Underdark series of D&D Encounters seasons. Module for 6 PC's of level 1.

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