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Publication:Grim-N-Gritty/Appendix 1

< Publication:Grim-N-Gritty
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Appendix 1 - Variant RulesEdit

The following are variant rules you can use with the Grim-n-Gritty system to increase its “realism.”

Advanced Wound TraumaEdit

This variant rule replaces the standard Wound Trauma mechanic.

Whenever you lose Hit Points, you must immediately perform a Fortitude saving throw. If you fail this saving throw, you might become dazed or stunned by your injury.

The DC of your Fortitude save equals 10 + the damage you suffered. (For example, if you suffered 8 points of damage, you would have to save against DC 18.)

If you fail the saving throw, you are dazed for one round. If you fail the save by five or more points, you are stunned for one round. If you fail by 10 or more points, you are stunned for 2d6 rounds.

Size Considerations: The size of a creature or character affects the amount of damage necessary to send it into deep shock. Before you figure the DC of the saving throw, you multiply the damage inflicted upon the creature by its size modifier. The table below shows the modifier, below.

Disadvantage of Rule: The extra saves slow down combat.

Wound Trauma Save Modifier Based on Size
Size Modifier
Medium x1
Large x1/2
Huge x1/4
Gargantuan x1/8
Colossal x1/12

Wounds Normally Cause BleedingEdit

This variant causes all wounds to inflict bleeding, if they inflict a certain amount of damage.

The table below shows the amount of damage that must be inflicted upon a creature to cause severe bleeding. The bigger a creature, the more damage that must be inflicted. Slashing weapons need to inflict less than other attack types to cause bleeding.

Disadvantage of Rule: It adds another level of complexity to combat and requires you to consult a table with each attack to determine if it caused bleeding. This slows combat.

Damage Necessary to Cause Bleeding
Creature Size Slashing
Fine 1 1
Diminutive 1 1
Tiny 1 1
Small 2 3
Medium 4 6
Large 8 12
Huge 16 24
Gargantuan 32 48
Colossal 48 72

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