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100 Far Realm Occurrences (3.5e Other)

1,206 bytes added, 12:14, 25 May 2011
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| 79 || class="left" | Collapsing Star || The layer contains large but far away fuzzy globes of vague energy, and the ground is black. Gravity is twice as heavy as normal here, and attempts to ''[[SRD:Plane Shift|plane shift]]'' or ''[[SRD:Teleport|teleport]]'' must first succeed on a DC 20 caster level check, but otherwise the layer is fairly normal. The heavy gravity causes balance, climb, jump, ride, swim, and tumble checks to be at a -2 circumstance penalty, as do all attack rolls. All item weights are effectively doubled, which might affect a character’s speed. Weapon ranges are halved. A character’s [[strength]] and [[dexterity]] scores are not affected. Characters who fall on a heavy gravity plane take 1d10 points of damage for each 10 feet fallen, to a maximum of 20d10 points of damage.<br>
5 rounds after the party gets there, the gravity triples, resulting in a -4 penalty to the aforementioned skills and attack rolls, weights are tripled, weapon ranges cut to a third, and characters take 3d8 fall damage per 10 feet. The caster level check to ''plane shift'' and ''teleport'' rises by +5. The energy spheres also move noticeably closer. Every 5 rounds, the gravity increases to four, five, and six times normal gravity, increasing the penalties as appropriate and fall damage following the progression of 6d8, 8d8, and 12d8 per 10 feet. On the seventh instance the energy spheres touch and layer collapses into a sphere ball of nuclear fusion, obliterating everything on the layer.
| 80 || class="left" | Paranoia || The DM may consult this result and looked shocked at how bad it is. Suggest that "the PCs see or hear nothing unusual" but look grim (or sandistic if that's your choice), second guessing all their actions and asking "are you sure?" to even seemingly innocent things. Nothing is wrong, their players are just paranoid.
| 81 || class="left" | RPG || The party is subject to a sudden blur of colors, resulting a DC 20 [[Will]] save or becoming dazed for 1 round. Regardless of their save they are blinded by the colors for 1 round. When their vision clears, they will be in an enemy encounter. On defeating the enemies, the bodies vanish in a red outline, and they leave bags of gold, potions, and other things monsters of their sort should not reasonably be carrying, as well as some ghostly fanfare which comes out of nowhere.
| 82 || class="left" | Stuff Objectified || More StuffCreatures on this layer lose their [[constitution]] scores, gaining Con - for the duration of their visit and gaining [[SRD:Construct Type|construct traits]] (except immunity to mind affects, unless they are already mindless). Creatures without Con scores meanwhile gain Con 10, and become vulnerable to construct immunities (unless they are immune through another way, such as poison immunity from an amulet). Formerly living creatures do not bleed, and formerly non-living or undead creatures bleed. This includes inanimate objects and even the ground, which screams when cut.
| 83 || class="left" | Stuff Turning Japanese || More StuffWhen any creature takes a slashing or piercing wound in this area, they take an additional 1d6 points of damage as fantastic amounts of blood spray from the wound. This blood loss never results in the creature passing out and indeed the blood will continue to spray forth in an absurd amount far beyond what the creature actually contains. When a creature dies, they explode into a tidal wave of blood, destroying their body and flooding the surrounding 20 foot radius burst with blood, dealing 5d4 nonlethal damage and forcing a DC 20 [[Reflex]] save or be knocked prone, save negates the prone effect.
| 84 || class="left" | Stuff || More Stuff