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Shaman of the Land (3.5e Feat)

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|skill0=You receive a +3 competence bonus on Creature Handling Geomancy checks.
|skill4=You can convince an animal spirit to deliver a message for you via one of its descendants. This functions like the [[SRD:Animal Messenger|''animal messenger'']] spell, except that it is a spell-like ability and requires 1 hour of contemplation and communing with the local spirits in a quiet place. Its caster level is equal to your ranks in Animal Handling - 3.
|skill9=You can talk to local animal spirits to find out what's going on. This functions as a ''lay of the land''{{cite|SpC3}} spell, except that it is a supernatural ability and requires 2 hours of communing with local spirits in a quiet place. Its caster level is equal to your ranks in Animal Handling - 3.
|skill14=You can ask the Great Spirit of the Land for advice. Once per day, you can use [[SRD:Contact Other Plane|''contact other plane'']] as a spell-like ability, except that using it takes only 1 hour. The Great Spirit of the Land is considered to be an outer plane demi-deity for the purpose of what they know. The caster level for this ability is equal to your ranks in Animal Handling - 3.
|skill19=You can call animals to your aid, no matter where you are. Twice per day, you can use [[SRD:Summon Nature's Ally IX|''summon nature's ally IX'']], except that it is a spell-like ability, and the creatures persist for 10 minutes, and you can only summon animals or magical beasts.
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