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User:MisterSinister/Rogue Redux/Rogue Tricks

574 bytes added, 07:06, 10 July 2012
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'''Benefit:''' If an ally successfully hits an enemy you threaten, you can make an AOO against that enemy. This can be done a maximum of once per round.
=== Reaching Hold ===
''You don't need'' hands ''to hold people.''
'''Benefit:''' You can initiate a [[Races of War (3.5e Sourcebook)/Advanced Combat#Grab On|grab on]] using a weapon you are holding, against someone within that weapon's reach. If you succeed, you can no longer make attacks with that weapon except against whoever you are grabbing onto, but that opponent is still considered grabbed onto as normal. The grabbed opponent is denied their Dexterity bonus to AC against attacks that you make with the weapon that they're being held with.
=== Ricochet ===