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Thunder Plains (3.5e Location)

2 bytes added, 02:27, 13 August 2012
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=== Description ===
The thunder plains is a barren flat wasteland, its vegetation largely stripped and scorched off by thunder seeking higher ground. The ground is a dull gray of compressed gravel into a sandstone-like substance, and intermixed and along the entire flatbed are magnetic iron depots which give the land its name. Those traveling through with metal objects find their its weight has doubled, often spelling doom for anyone wearing heavy full plate when a storm brews. The air is often dark, even daytime blotted out by thick cloud cover. Curiously, rainfall is uncommon, for reasons not quite known to science. Thus the thunder plains is technically an arid desert, though the temperature is usually temperate at best.
Heavy winds and thunder dominate the skies of the thunder plains. Flying anywhere under or at cloud cover is highly inadvisable.
One must cross the thunder plains from one end to the other on the longest route, a 6 mile journey. This takes 2 hours for the average human to cross and will provoke up to 6d6 thunderbolt attempts (3d6 every hour spent there). Lightning bolts occur so often that charges do not build up quickly, only dealing 4d6 electrical damage with a DC 15 [[Reflex]] save for half. If all Reflex saving throws are made successfully during the crossing, the challenge has been passed.
If metal is brought into the area, the its weight doubles, which may negatively effect those being struck.
=== Recharge ===