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Gallade (3.5e Monster)

263 bytes added, 14:12, 22 October 2012
Gallade fluff
|adv=15-30 HD (Medium)
Gallade evolves from a male Kirlia with a special stone. In contrast to its feminine counterpart, a [[Summary::Gallade is physically powerful and a master swordsman. But rather than use a manufactured blade, a Gallade uses its sharpened arms as its weapons.]]
=== Combat ===
'''{{Anchor|Detect Thoughts}} ([[Su]]):''' A Gallade constantly scans the area around itself , looking for the thoughts and feelings of others. The Gallade ''[[SRD:Detect Thoughts|detects thoughts]]'' as the spell, except that it does not need to concentrate and always gains the information as if it had spent 3 rounds concentrating on any particular creature, and the area is a 60 ft. emanation from the Gallade in all directions. Save DC is 10 + ½ Gallade’s HD + Gallade’s Charisma modifier.
:The sample Gallade has a DC of 25 for Detect Thoughts.
'''{{Anchor|Psycho Cut}} ([[Su]]):''' Gallade reinforces the power of its body with the power of its mind. It uses its Intelligence modifier instead of its Strength or Dexterity modifiers with natural weapons, and can project its attacks as though they were thrown weapons with a 20 foot range increment. Its natural weapons are also treated as Ghost Touch weapons. However, its fatigue and exhaustion penalties to Dexterity also apply to Intelligence.
'''{{Anchor|Zen Headbutt}} ([[Ex]]):''' At the end of a round, Gallade may spend a Swift action. An opponent in melee has then been attacked by the Zen Headbutt - the attack has already been made, however, so it is too late to react with an Immediate action, an Attack of Opportunity , or anything like that. Gallade makes an attack roll as normal, and if it succeeds, the opponent unwillingly gains enlightenment into the fact that they have received a headbutt. They take 1d6 damage per 2 HD Gallade possess, plus double its Intelligence modifier, and must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ Gallade’s hit dice + Gallade’s Charisma modifier) or be stunned for one round. Once a Zen Headbutt has been performed, it cannot have been performed again for four rounds.
:The sample Gallade has a DC of 22 for its Zen Headbutt.