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Pyromaniac (3.5e Feat)

1 byte added, 14:19, 5 August 2014
Scripting edit
|summary=If it doesn't work, you're just not using enough.
|benefit=Whenever a character with this feat deals fire damage, they deal an additional +1 damage per die. For example, a 6<sup>th</sup> level [[sRD:Wizard|wizard]] with Pyromaniac who casts ''[[SRD:Fireball|fireball]]'' would deal 6d6+6 damage, rather than 6d6. A warrior attacking with a [[SRD:Flaming|flaming]] greatsword would deal the greatsword's base damage and any other relevant modifiers, but the fire damage dealt would be 1d6+1, rather than 1d6.
Alternative: for lower power games Due to your fascination with fire you receive a -2 morale penalty to saves against fire based effects.
prereqs: Craft(alchemy) 6, Knowlege(arcana) 6 or Spellcraft 6
|normal=Your fire damage is unmodified.
|special=Ongoing fire damage damage, such as from [[SRD:Alchemist's Fire|alchemist's fire]], still benefits from this feat.
|Alternative=for lower power games: Due to your fascination with fire you receive a -2 morale penalty to saves against fire based effects.
|prereqs=Craft(alchemy) 6, Knowlege(arcana) 6 or Spellcraft 6