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Turpentine (3.5e Equipment)

149 bytes added, 23:51, 5 September 2014
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Turpentine comes in small, carefully prepared earthenware vials, kept dormant through admixture, but when poured from its container the droplets react within seconds with the oxygen in the air to create a fire that burns with very hot, yet short-lived yellowy-white flames. One dose of admixtured turpentine weighs one ounce.
One As a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]], one dose of turpentine can be used to coat one 10-foot square or one 20-foot line with a blazing fire that lasts for 1 minute. Any creatures in the area when the turpentine takes effect may make a DC 15 [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] save. On success, they may make an immediate move action at the start of their next turn to leave the area of the fire without harm. Otherwise, any creature or object moving through or starting its turn within an area of ignited turpentine cannot avoid taking 1d6 points of damage and catching fire if not already on fire. A creature that is on fire takes yet another 1d6 points of damage starting the next round, andsubsequent round after that for a total of 1d4 [[SRD:Round|rounds]] until they make either a DC 20 [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] save or douse themselves in water to put it out. A creature rolling on the ground (effectively [[SRD:Prone|prone]]) gets a +2 circumstance bonus to saves made to stop being on fire. Any creature or object touching or otherwise making direct contact with a creature that is on fire must make a DC 15 [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] save to also catch fire. Regardless, all fires based on the same dose of turpentine extinguish by themselves after 1 minute.
One As a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]], one dose of turpentine may also be used as a grenade type weapon, launching it vial and all and letting it shatter against the target. Upon a successful ranged attack roll, the target is set alight and is dealt 2d6 points of [[SRD:Fire Effect|fire]] damage, without save. The center 5-foot square the creature occupies is also set on fire by the turpentine, dealing 1d6 points of damage and setting fire to creatures and objects as written above. As such, even if the ranged attack roll misses, the target still needs to make a DC 15 Reflex save to move away to avoid taking damage and catching fire. A creature hit directly by a thrown turpentine vial takes 2d6 points of damage each round and will be set on fire for the complete duration unless extinguished by a successful DC 20 [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] save, a ''[[SRD:Quench|quench]]'' spell, or water.
Finally, as a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]], one dose of turpentine may be used in order to imbue a melee weapon with powerful fire. This causes the weapon to gain the [[SRD:Flaming Burst|flaming burst]] quality for 1 minute. This effect ends if the weapon is submerged in water.
==== Miscellaneous Effects of Turpentine ====