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Spitter Homunculus (3.5e Monster)

37 bytes added, 04:52, 28 August 2009
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''A small white gecko appears. It appears to be made of marble and ceramic, but flows as smoothly as flesh.''
Spitter homunculi are creatures created by the spell [[Ell's Handy Homunculus (3.5e DnD Spell)|''Ell's handy homunculus'']]. They are generally used as cleaning pets, as their breath can scour a surface free of grim, or used to etch metal. Some mages replace the 4 ranks in Hide and apply them to skills like Craft (engraving), to put finishing touches on their crafts.
Spitter homonculi have a +8 racial bonus to Climb checks.
The body is made of stone and clay, with the core crystal often embedded in the forehead. A drop of the caster's blood is mixed in with the clay and marble fragments, which all fuses together into a perfect blend on casting [[Ell's Handy Homunculus (3.5e DnD Spell)|''Ell's handy homunculus'']]. The entire cost of supplies equals 500 gp.
Assembling the body requires a DC 15 Craft (pottery) or Craft (stonework) check.
CL 1st; [[Ell's Handy Homunculus (3.5e DnD Spell)|''Ell's handy homunculus'']], [[SRD:Acid Splash|''acid splash'']]; Never sold; Cost 500 gp + 25 XP.
{{3.5e Creatures CR 1/2 Breadcrumb}}
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