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Short Staff (3.5e Equipment)

669 bytes added, 22:54, 28 July 2017
Created page with "{{author |author_name=Leziad |date_created=28th July 2017 |status=Finished }} <onlyinclude>{{3.5e Mundane Weapon |weap=Short Staff |sme=s |ulot=o |ampt=m |cost=— |sdamage=1..."
|date_created=28th July 2017

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Mundane Weapon
|weap=Short Staff

A short staff is a short [[SRD:Quarterstaff|quarterstaff]], it is wielded in one hand but cannot be used as a double weapon.

The short staff is a special monk weapon. This designation gives a monk wielding a short staff special options.</onlyinclude>

{{3.5e Mundane Weapons Breadcrumb}}