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|specialtext4=A Valkyrie is under the constant effect of [[SRD:Deathwatch|''deathwatch'']] and , except that it does not pierce illusions. She may also use [[Detect Alignment (3.5e Spell)|''detect alignment'']] and [[Detect Power Level (3.5e Spell)|''detect power level'']] at-will, however she only gain reading on creature with 0 or less hit points. Once per month, as a standard action they may send a willing dying creature to Ysgard, turning them into [[Einherjar (3.5e Race)|Einhenjar]] instead of petitioners. A [[Einherjar (3.5e Race)|Einhenjar]] retain all their ability in life, unlike a petitioner. This fate is usually reserved only to brave chaotic good warriors, and a Valkyrie loath to waste this ability on the unworthty.
|special4='''Chooser of the Slain'''
|specialtext9=Over the course of a minute, a valkyrie may make herself [[SRD:Invisible|invisible]]. While she does so, she cannot perform any actions except passive observation, moving or using her ''Chooser of the Slain'' ability. If she perform any action other than those her invisibility is immediately dismissed before she complete the action, spoiling any surprise attack or theft. Otherwise the effect last indefinitely. While she is invisible to all creature, she can be seen normally by creatures at 0 hit points or lower.
|special9='''Unseen Observer'''
|specialtext10=A Valkyrie is an expert on fighting while flying, she gain [[SRD:Flyby Attack|Flyby Attack]] as a bonus feat and gain a +1 bonus on attacks rolls while fighting airborn. A valkyrie's wings do not interfered with her armor and she can hide within herself or retract them as a standard action, altough she lose her fly speed while her wings are hidden.
|special10='''Winged Victory'''