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Battle Ship (3.5e Monster)

2,472 bytes added, 09:39, 25 March 2019
merged battle and destroyer into one
|size=[[Greater Character Sizes (3.5e Other)|Deka]]|type=Construct|subtypes=Vehicle, Siege
|init=As Pilot
|speed=50’, 200' fly (clumsy), [[#Hyperjump|Hyperjump]]
|ac=1516(base10-14size+8natural(1/2pilot’s Dex)+12natural+11deflection8deflection)|touch=74|flat=1516
|bab=+15/+10/+5/-1|grapple=+35<!--Moderate BAB-->
|at=Two [[XK24 Assault System (3.5e Equipment)|XK24 Assault Systems]], [[XK20 Defense System (3.5e Equipment)|XK20 Defense System]], [[XK26 Siege Weapon (3.5e Equipment)|XK26 Siege Weapon]]
|full_at=Two [[XK24 Assault System (3.5e Equipment)|XK24 Assault Systems]] or and a [[XK26 Siege Weapon (3.5e Equipment)|XK26 Siege Weapon]]|space=40'|reach=15' (weights 3000 2000 tons)
|sq=[[SRD:Construct Type#Construct Traits|Construct Traits]], [[#Powerful Build|Powerful Build]], [[Shield (3.5e Creature Ability)|Shield]], [[#Vehicle|Vehicle]]
|feats=[[SRD:Far Shot|Far Shot]]
|org=3 pilots, 3 engineers, 6 4 gunners
|treas=Triple standard
|size2=[[Greater Character Sizes (3.5e Other)|Hecto]]|type2=Construct|subtypes2=Vehicle, Siege
|init2=As Pilot
|speed2=50’, 250' fly (clumsy), [[#Hyperjump|Hyperjump]]
|ac2=1314(base10-20size+9natural(1/2pilot’s Dex)+14natural+14deflection10deflection)|touch2=40|flat2=1314
|bab2=+18/+13/+8/+3|grapple2=+42<!--Moderate BAB-->
|at2=Three [[XK24 Assault System (3.5e Equipment)|XK24 Assault Systems]] (1/side & 1 on bottom), [[XK20 Defense System (3.5e Equipment)|XK20 Defense System]], [[XK26 Siege Weapon (3.5e Equipment)|XK26 Siege Weapon]]
|full_at2=Three [[XK24 Assault System (3.5e Equipment)|XK24 Assault Systems]] or a and Two [[XK26 Siege Weapon (3.5e Equipment)|XK26 Siege WeaponWeapons]]|space2=50'|reach2=15' (weights 5000 4000 tons)
|sq2=[[SRD:Construct Type#Construct Traits|Construct Traits]], [[#Powerful Build|Powerful Build]], [[Shield (3.5e Creature Ability)|Shield]], [[#Vehicle|Vehicle]]
|treas2=Triple standard
|align2=True Neutral
|adv2=— |size3=[[Greater Character Sizes (3.5e Other)|Kilo]]|type3=Construct|subtypes3=Vehicle, Siege|hd3=30d12+405|hp3=600(+90[[#Shields|shield]])|init3=As Pilot|speed3=50’, 300' fly (clumsy), [[#Hyperjump|Hyperjump]]|ac3=12(base10-26size+(1/2pilot’s Dex)+16natural+12deflection)|touch3=—4|flat3=12|bab3=+22/+17/+12/+7/+2|grapple3=+54<!--Moderate BAB-->|at3=Four [[XK24 Assault System (3.5e Equipment)|XK24 Assault Systems]], [[XK20 Defense System (3.5e Equipment)|XK20 Defense System]], Two [[XK26 Siege Weapon (3.5e Equipment)|XK26 Siege Weapons]], [[XK28 Ship Killer (3.5e Equipment)|XK28 Ship Killer]]|full_at3=Four [[XK24 Assault System (3.5e Equipment)|XK24 Assault Systems]], Two [[XK26 Siege Weapon (3.5e Equipment)|XK26 Siege Weapons]] and a [[XK28 Ship Killer (3.5e Equipment)|XK28 Ship Killer]]|space3=60'|reach3=15' (weights 7000 tons)|sa3=—|sq3=[[SRD:Construct Type#Construct Traits|Construct Traits]], [[#Powerful Build|Powerful Build]], [[Shield (3.5e Creature Ability)|Shield]], [[#Vehicle|Vehicle]]|fort3=+30|ref3=As Pilot|will3=As Pilot|str3=60|dex3=As Pilot|con3=—|int3=As Pilot|wis3=As Pilot|cha3=As Pilot|skills3=As Pilot|feats3=[[SRD:Far Shot|Far Shot]]|env3=Any|org3=4 pilots, 4 engineers, 11 gunners|cr3=30|treas3=Triple standard|align3=True Neutral|adv3=—}}
All numbers derived from [[User:Eiji-kun/CompleteEpic|this]], except HP and AC.
{{:Template:Standard Ship Features|battle|800128,000(I), 1162,000(II),200,000(IIIII)|30|Powerful battleships with many offensive and siege options.}}
{{:Template:Complex Ship Features|battleBattle I|11|3|60|2|3|4|10|50 100 tons, medium 50–100 100–200 tons, and max is 500300}}
'''Battle II and III Upgrades:''' The following features only a Battle II and III possess:*''More Cargo:'' Gain four more cargo rooms, these are above the original rooms, permitting an increase in high if the rooms are linked. *''Omnivision:'' An Abathor A Battle II has and III have the ability to impart extra vision modes to pilots (treat like [[Omnigoggles (3.5e Equipment)|omnigoggles]]). It requires a standard action to switch between types of vision.*''Increased Shields:'' A Battle II and III have bonuses to their energy shield from added weapon system bonuses.*Battle II:**''More Guns:'' Has one more assault gun-room and a siege gun-room.**''More Space:'' Has 4 docks (total); and docks have 50 HP.***Cargo Rooms: The Battle II has 8 cargo rooms with a volume of 10x5x10 (LxWxH). At least two rooms are generally next to each other, the divider between the two rooms can be removed, to make the dimensions 10x10x10; cargo rooms are too internal to be directly targeted.***Loads: A light load is ≤200 tons, medium 200–400 tons, and max is 800 tons, total for the ship (not per room).*A Battle III:**''More Guns:'' has two more assault gun-rooms and siege gun-rooms, and a ship killer weapon.**''More Space:'' Has 5 docks (total); and docks have 60 HP.***Cargo Rooms: The Battle III has 8 cargo rooms with a volume of 10x10x15 (LxWxH). At least two rooms are generally next to each other, the divider between the two rooms can be removed, to make the dimensions 10x20x15; cargo rooms are too internal to be directly targeted.***Loads: A light load is ≤400 tons, medium 400–800 tons, and max is 1500 tons, total for the ship (not per room).
{{3.5e Monsters Breadcrumb}} [[Category:3.5e]] [[Category:User]] [[Category:Monster]] [[Category:Starship]]