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Evil Clown (3.5e Class)

1 byte added, 00:35, 22 May 2019
Class Features
*''{{Anchor|Distracting Dance}} {{Ex}}:'' As a standard action, for 4 gags, can preform a comical dance. This [[SRD:Fascinated|fascinates]] all creatures within 30 feet; can be negated with a Will save. Each creature to be fascinated must be able to pay attention. The distraction of nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working.
*''{{Anchor|Profanity}} {{Sp}}:'' As a standard action, for 4 gags, can spout profanity (treat like [[Profanity (3.5e Spell)|''profanity'']]).
*''{{Anchor|Summon Gremlin}} {{Su}}:'' As a standard action, for 4 gags, can summon a [[Gremlin (3.5e Monster)|gremlin type II]]. The summoned gremlin lasts for 1 round per class level, is not under the clown's control, and is pure choas -- willing to do actions against its own self-preservation. For 1 2 extra gaggags, can improve the gremlin type to III.
*''{{Anchor|Summon Clown Car}} {{Su}}:'' As a standard action, for 5 gags, can summon a clown car. This car has only enough space for a clown in the driver's seat, however, its trunk acts like a [[SRD:Bag of Holding|bag of holding type II]]. The clown car is medium sized, has a speed of 50', 15 AC, 20 HP, 5 hardness, and can pull 1000 lbs. If it is destroyed, all items and creatures within it fall to the same square (prone if creatures). For 1 extra gag, can increase the cars HP by 10 and bag of holding type to III.