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Stormguard (3.5e Equipment)

4 bytes removed, 19:30, 19 December 2021
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==ThunderguardStormguard==[[Summary::This armor and shield enhancement grant resistance to electricity and high winds.]] The wearer of thunderguard stormguard gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against [air] and [electricity] effects and gain electricity resistance 5 + the armor’s enhancement bonus. The wearer of a thunderguard stormguard armor counts as being two size categories larger for the purpose of how wind affects her.
An enhanced shield grants electricity resistance 3, which increases to 6 when fighting defensively or using the total defense action. The resistance granted by an iceguard stormguard armor and shield stacks.
Moderate Abjuration; CL 6th; [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magic Arms and Armor]], [[SRD:Resist Energy|''resist energy'']]; Price: [[Cost::+2]].