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=== Tactics ===
The Painstalker with make use of its sealth and disguise abilities to get close to the target and strike them down swiftly in one or two rounds, then leave the scene again by swimming away or hiding.
(WIP Komodo thing, stalker in the night thing)
The Painstalker infiltrates the caster's favorite park in the sandshuffle step stance and studies the area intently (Analyze Surrounding, +3dmg), then hides close to it (Crane Catches Fish). As the mage approaches, she boosts herself with Focus Strike (+15 dmg) and strikes them with a knife slits the troat (+7d8dmg, Fort DC25 to prevent being silenced) sneak attack (+5d6+15 dmg) with her dagger (1d3+6 dmg).
She disguises herself as the noble's service to get close to them (Hidden Chameleon's stance). In an opportune moment, she boosts herself with Focus Strike (+15 dmg) and strikes them with a true maximized turncoat takedown (+8d8 dmg) sneak attack (+5d6+15 dmg) with her dagger (1d3+3 dmg).
The Painstalker studies the hero while hidden in the Assassin Stance. In an opportune moment, she shadow blinks next to the hero and delivers a full round of sneak attacks for possibly up to 4 attacks of 1d3+3 (weapon) + 3 (analyze surroundings) + 7d6+15 (sneak attack) damage each.