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'''{{Anchor|Improved Blind-Fight}}:''' At 2nd level a veiled vizier gains [https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/improved-blind-fight-combat Improved Blind-Fight] as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
'''{{Anchor|Vizier's Guile}} {{Ex}} and {{Su}}}:''' A veiled vizier is adept with words and when to use them, at 2nd level she gain half her class level on [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] and [[SRD:Sense Motive Skill|Sense Motive]] checks. If she has sworn herself to a master, she also gain this bonus on [[SRD:Diplomacy Skill|DIplomacy]] checks against her master, and on [[SRD:intimidate Skill|Intimidate]] checks against her master's servants.
A a number of times per day equal to half her class level, a veiled vizier may replicate a [[SRD:Suggestion|''suggestion'']] (DC 10 + half character level + the veiled vizier’s highest mental ability score modifier) against a creature with an attitude of indifferent or higher if she made a successful [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] or [[SRD:Diplomacy Skill|Diplomacy]] check opposed by the their [[SRD:Sense Motive Skill|Sense Motive]]. The suggestion must be a course of action to take in relation to their situation. If the target succeeds on their [[Will]] save, they are unaware of the veiled vizier’s attempt to control them. Whether the creature succeeds or fails, it is immune to further uses of this ability for 24 hours.
'''{{Anchor|Precognitive Dodge}} {{Su}}:''' As she advances in her career, a veiled vizier becomes more in-tune with the divination that she uses. At 3rd level and each 3 levels thereafter, the veiled vizier gains a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class and [[Reflex]] saves. While [[SRD:Blinded|blinded]] this bonus increases by +1.