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Lethus Dragon (3.5e Monster)

7 bytes removed, 07:16, 16 December 2009
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'''{{Anchor|Enhanced Magic}} ([[SRD:Supernatural Ability|Su]]):''' Within the confines of a Lethus dragon's body, magics with either the [[SRD:Darkness Effect|Darkness]] or [[SRD:Death Effect|Death]] descriptor are [[SRD:Empower Spell|empowered]] and [[SRD:Maximize Spell|maximized]], without requiring a higher level spell slot. [[SRD:Spell-Like Abilities|spell-like abilities]] based on spells with those descriptors are also enhanced.
<span id="Profane Protection">'''Profane Protection ([[Ex]]):'''</span id> The Lethus dragon's body is protected by a very vile protective shroud, bestowing upon it a profane bonus to its [[SRD:Armor Class|Armor Class]] equal to its [[SRD:Charisma (Term)|Charisma]] modifier. A Lethus dragon also gains this bonus to all [[SRD:Initiative|initiative]] checks.
<span id="Shadow Walk">'''Shadow Walk ([[Su]]):'''</span id> Lethus dragons have a profound understanding of the shadow plane. This ability functions like the [[Shadow Walk (SRD Spell)|spell]], but the dragon can precisely control its destination and the ability functions more like a short range jump or teleport effect, as it creates instantaneous travel from one place to another place on the same plane (as long as said plane is coterminous with the [[SRD:Plane of Shadow|shadow plane]]). The dragon can use his shadow walk ability for short range transportation, in order to throw its enemies off during battle. Furthermore, it can use Shadow Walk everywhere on planes coterminous with the [[SRD:Plane of Shadow|shadow plane]], using it's own body which is perpetually wreathed in smoky black shadow as a medium. A Lethus dragon may use shadow walk to jump every 1d4 rounds. Maximum jump distance depends on the dragon's age category.
|fort=+35 |ref=+22 |will=+33
|str=42 |dex=10 |con=36 |int=33 |wis=33 |cha=33
|skills=[[SRD:Appraise (SRD Skill)|Appraise]] +36 (alchemy +38), [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] +41, [[SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration]] +56, [[SRD:Craft Skill|Craft]] (Alchemy) +41, [[SRD:Diplomacy Skill|Diplomacy]] +47, [[SRD:Escape Artist Skill|Escape Artist]] +30, [[SRD:Gather Information Skill|Gather Information]] +33, [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|Intimidate]] +33, [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]] +36, [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (all) +46, [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] +54, [[SRD:Search Skill|Search]] +37 (+39 secret doors), [[SRD:Sense Motive Skill|Sense Motive]] +42,[[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] +56, [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] +36
|feats=[[SRD:Alertness|Alertness]], [[SRD:Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]], [[SRD:Flyby Attack|Flyby Attack]], [[SRD:Hover|Hover]], [[SRD:Improved Critical|Improved Critical]] (bite), [[SRD:Improved Critical|Improved Critical]] (claws), [[SRD:Improved Critical|Improved Critical]] (wings), [[SRD:Improved Critical|Improved Critical]] (tail slap), [[SRD:Improved Initiative|Improved Initiative]], [[SRD:Improved Sunder|Improved Sunder]], [[SRD:Power Attack|Power Attack]], [[SRD:Spell Knowledge|Spell Knowledge]], [[SRD:Widen Spell|Widen Spell]], [[SRD:Wingover|Wingover]]
|env=Negative energy dominant planes, planes associated with death (underworlds, infernal realms etc)