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Spell Jammer (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 11/14/11
Status: Indubitably
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Spell JammerEdit

Spell Jammer
Price: 20,000 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 11
Aura: Overwhelming Illusion (DC 20)
Activation: Use activated
Weight: 3 lbs.

A smooth black crystal orb approximately four inches in diameter, it begins sparkling with little white dots as soon as it is touched.

While held, the Spell Jammer emanates a field of nonsense data out to a radius of 200 feet. The type of useless information generated can be changed as a standard action by waving it around in the correct pattern. The Spell Jammer can emit up to two types of nonsense data at a time:

  • Meaningless Auras: Any aura detection effects detect just one aura, and no others. This aura is Overwhelming of a random school and alignment. The school and alignment are re-randomized each round, and for each viewer. Scrying sensors in the area send back only white noise.
  • Warped Portals: Teleportation and summoning effects into or out of the area have a 95% chance of failure.
  • Mindless Thoughts: Any thought detection effects detect only nonsense. Creatures with telepathy within the area cannot send or receive thoughts. Manifesting a psionic power or casting a spell within the area requires a successful Concentration check (DC 15 + the power's level).

Alternatively, the Spell Jammer may be thrown or swung as an attack action, with a range increment of 20', for 1d6 bludgeoning damage. If it hits a character, they automatically fail any Concentration checks they would have to make because of the damage. If used as ammunition, it is not destroyed.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, magic aura, must be crafted somewhere with lots of background noise.
Cost to Create: 10000 gp, 800 EXP, 20 days.

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