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Suncursed Impaler (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: July 26th, 2024
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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This archetype is an adaptation of my Dread Impaler prestige class into an antipaladin archetype.

Suncursed Impaler

A suncursed impaler isn't a typical antipaladin, instead they are individuals suffering from a vampiric curse, either as a result of their bloodline or a malediction conjured by the Gods at their terrible bloodlust.

Class: Antipaladin

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Detect Good, Smite Evil, Plague Bringer, Channel Negative Energy, Aura of Vengeance, Unholy Champion.

Benefit: A suncursed impaler gain access to the following class features:

Code of Conduct: While a suncursed impaler has a normal code of conduct for an antipaladin of her kind, her archetype abilities are based on a curse rather than power given by a patron, If she becomes an ex-antipaladin she retains all of her archetype abilities.

This alters code of conduct.

Daylight Shunned (Ex): A 1st level suncursed impaler starts the game with light sensitivity. If she already had light sensitivity, she instead gains light blindness. At 8th level, a suncursed impaler takes 1 point of non-lethal damage each hour she is under direct sunlight, which can only be healed if she settles in darkness for at least 10 minutes.

Spearmaster (Ex): A 1st level suncursed impaler gain Weapon Focus with any weapons on the spear weapon group list. She counts her class level as fighter level for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of feats, but only for weapons of the spear weapon group.

At 5th level, the suncursed impaler gains weapon training as a fighter. She may only select the spear weapon group, and never gains another weapon group. The suncursed impaler’s weapon training bonus with spears improves by +1 on attack rolls and +2 on damage rolls for every four levels beyond 5th (to a maximum of +4 on attack rolls and +8 on damage rolls at 17th level). This counts as the weapon training ability for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.

This ability replaces smite good, or smite impudence for an insinuator antipaladin.

Vampire Focus (Su): A 1st level suncursed impaler gain the Vampire Focus class feature, as a vampire hunter of her level. She uses her Charisma instead of her Wisdom to determine the DC of her class features.

This ability replaces detect good and aura of vengeance, or detect balance and aura of glory for an insinuator antipaladin

Consume Blood (Su): A 3rd level suncursed impaler can drink the blood of a sapient creature to gain nourishment. If she drinks at least one liter of blood, she counts as having consumed enough food and water for an entire day. If she drinks the blood of a powerful good-aligned creature, such as an unicorn then she does not age for a week. If she is a dhampir, the suncursed impaler gains the Blood Drinker feat as a bonus feat instead.

This ability replaces plague bringer, or stubborn health for an insinuator antipaladin.

Hell Pikes (Su): As a standard action, a 5th level suncursed impaler can conjure iron pikes from the underworld under her opponent. This functions as the ice spears spell with a caster level equal to the suncursed impaler's class level, except that it deals profane damage instead of cold damage. This attack counts as evil-aligned and magic for the purpose of overcoming DR. If used against a helpless or dying opponent, this is made a coup de grace instead of an attack.

A creature slain by summon pike is impaled 15 feet above the square. The spike stays in existence permanently and counts as an obstacle. It is made of a weird ferrous structure, which is as hard as steel but quickly breaks down in valueless chunks if broken down.

A suncursed impaler may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + her Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces channel negative energy, or channel energy for an insinuator antipaladin.

Suncursed Ascension (Su): A 20th level permanently changes into a suncursed creature, she gains a +4 profane bonus on her Strength and +2 profane bonus on her Charisma. Furthermore her natural armor increases by 3, she gains fast healing 5 and she counts as having the vampire template for the purpose of meeting prerequisites.

However the suncursed impaler becomes weak to sunlight. At the start of her turn, if she is directly exposed to sunlight she takes 1 point of damage per class level. This damage cannot be healed until she settles in darkness for at least 1 hour.

This ability replaces unholy champion, or personal champion for an insinuator antipaladin.

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