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Talk:Ape Warrior (3.5e Prestige Class)


  ThunderGod Cid dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
Yawn, totally vanilla Strength booster with worthless skill bonuses and such. Not terrible if you are looking to dip it as a Natural Spell druid (which is admittedly an example of using it as a dip to exceed the Moderate expectation of the class as a stand-alone, but whatever), but by itself it is completely devoid of coolness to me.
  Foxwarrior dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
The modifications of Ape Form are very strange for a creature without humanoid form, and boring in a potentially slightly overpowered way for a Moderate-balance character.

The Ex-Ape Warrior section does not inspire much awe. is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4.
It's just the Bear Warrior class from Complete Warrior to fit a jungle kind of setting. Nothing too obscene, although the Ape toughness should specify that the AC bonus is only when in Ape form to balance it out (and it should only be +4 at max, since that's the natural armor of a girallon) and the Rend damage isn't included. The bonus to grapple could also be dialed down too (maybe down to +4?), considering you already get a +10 strength mod in girallon form. If they fix these things, the class could be OK.
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