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Talk:Immortalist (3.5e Prestige Class)

Alignment RequirementEdit

Why "any non-good"? Because you're choosing to opt out of whatever cycle of life and death the multiverse has? Not only does this require a cosmological assumption that's not necessarily valid for all campaigns, its not even true as written. Sure, you can't ever die -- but that condition persists only as long as you want it to. If you ever get tired of eternal life and want to go on to your reward, simply retrain your last level in Immortalist and boom, you've given up True Immortality. Chuckg (talk) 19:42, 16 February 2015 (UTC)

Making it Class-AgnosticEdit

While the caster requirement doesn't specify arcane or divine, the rest of the requirements slant it strongly in favor of divine casters, when seeking immortality at any price is more traditionally an arcane caster thing. Suggest the following changes:

Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 18 ranks OR Knowledge (Arcana) 18 ranks, Spellcraft 18 ranks. Feats: Skill Focus: Knowledge (Religion) OR Knowledge (Arcana), Extend Spell, Persistent Spell. Your Skill Focus feat must be for the same skill that you used as a skill prerequisite for this prestige class. Chuckg (talk) 19:42, 16 February 2015 (UTC)


If the intent is to make the immortalist killable by any CR-appropriate encounter but not killable by casual threats (as seems to be suggested from how relatively easy the regeneration is to bypass -- what doesn't have a reasonably common special material or an alignment effect available at CR 20+? And you'd have to be level 20 minimum by this point, this class has a level-15 entry requirement), then perhaps it should just be changed to Fast Healing 10. That way you rapidly bounce back from anything that didn't kill you, but anything that smacks you hard enough sends you into your year-long time-out without needing to keep track of fiddly bits. Alternately, if the intent is to make you just that immune to dying, change it to Regeneration 10 (Disintegration), so that nothing stops you from regenerating save totally atomizing the corpse. Or, split the difference and make it Regeneration 10 (Epic), so that non-epics just don't kill you. Chuckg (talk) 19:42, 16 February 2015 (UTC)

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