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< User:Leziad‎ | Elementalist

Universal Elemental KataEdit

Elemental Ball [Blast]Edit

Elemental Power Level: 1st
Description: When you deliver your elementalist blast it deal splash damage to all creatures in a square adjacent to the targeted square, this overlap with damage dealt to the primary target. The splash damage is equal to your elemental focus ability bonus. A successful Reflex save halves the damage.

Evolved Form: You turn your elementalist blast into a 10-ft.-radius spread, all creature within the area are allowed a Reflex save to halves the damage. Only creature who fail their save count as being affected by the additional effect of the blast.

Full-Power Form: You turn your elementalist blast into a 20-ft.-radius spread, all creature within the area are allowed a Reflex save to halves the damage. All creatures caught inside the blast are affected by the blast's additional effect.

Elemental BurstEdit

Elemental Power Level:

Evolved Form:

Full-Power Form:

Elemental FanEdit

Elemental Power Level:

Evolved Form:

Full-Power Form:

Elemental StreamEdit

Elemental Power Level: 1st
Description: You turn your elementalist blast into a 30 ft. line, all creature within the area are allowed a Reflex save to halves the damage. Only creature who fail their save count as being affected by the additional effect of the blast.

Evolved Form: You turn your elementalist blast into a 60 ft. line, all creature within the area are allowed a Reflex save to halves the damage. Only creature who fail their save count as being affected by the additional effect of the blast.

Full-Power Form: You turn your elementalist blast into a 15 ft. wide 120 ft. line, all creature within the area are allowed a Reflex save to halves the damage. all creature within the area are allowed a Reflex save to halves the damage. All creatures caught inside the blast are affected by the blast's additional effect. The effect of the line persist for 1 round, any creature who enter or end it turn into the area take half your elementalist blast damage (Reflex half), but no secondary effect.

Elemental WaveEdit

Elemental Power Level:

Evolved Form:

Full-Power Form:

Energy Blade [Blast]Edit

Elemental Power Level: 1st
Description: You turn an energy elementalist blast into a blade, making an immediate attack with it. It is resolved as a melee touch attack, although you may use your Dexterity on the attack roll instead of your Strength and do not provoke an attack of opportunity. This blast kata can only be applied to an energy elemental blast, or a combined blast made of two energy blast.

Evolved Form: You may move up to half you land speed before delivering the energy blade attack.

Full-Power Form: You deal basic blast damage, but may make a full-attack with the blade.