Virtuous Performance ListEdit
One of the greatest asset of the Minstrel are the Virtuous Performances, some being useful mundane tricks while others are powerful supernatural abilities locked behind an artistic seal. Despite their name the virtuous performance any Perform skill can unlock them, it is possible to use Song of Elemental Chaos as a dance, any exception to that rule will be directly stated in the performance itself.
The DC of Virtuous Song is DC 10 + half the minstrel's class level + the Minstrel's Charisma Modifier.
Augment Competence (Ex)Edit
When you start this performance and for every round you maintain you can choose an ally within 30 feet. That ally gain a competence bonus equal 2 + your Charisma modifier on their next skill check. This apply for the entire duration of the skill check, as long as they do not stop, even if the bonus has been given to another creature or stopped altogether. You may not use Boost Competence on yourself.
This ability count as Inspire Competence for the purpose of prerequisites.
Boost Valor (Ex)Edit
As you start your performance a number of allies equal to your Charisma modifier gain a +1 competence bonus on attack roll and +2 on damage rolls. This bonus increase by +1 attack and +2 damage at 5th level and each 5 level thereafter. While under the effect of this Virtuous Performance your allies can reroll any failed saving throws against [fear] effects.
This ability count as Inspire Courage for the purpose of prerequisites.
Captivate Audience (Ex)Edit
As you start your performance you can cause all non-hostile creature within 60 feet to become Fascinated by your performance. This does not affect you or your allies and a successful Will save negate the effect for the entire performance. If you succeed a DC 25 Perform check, creatures that became fascinated are one step friendlier towards you than normal (to a maximum of Friendly). This is only an 'initial attitude' - if you take any actions that harm or offend them, their attitude will adjust appropriately. Especially if you used the duration they were fascinated to perform harmful actions against them.
While performing your allies gain a bonus equal to your 2 + half your Charisma on Hide and Move Silently from the distraction you are providing. You of course do not gain this bonus as you become the center of attention.
Unlike most Virtuous Performance it is measured in minute, not round. Which mean expend one round of your daily limit for each minute you maintain this performance. However if you maintain it for less than a minute you still lose a single round.
This is a mind-affecting and compulsion effect.
Dirge of Doom (Su)Edit
Using the magic of this dark song you are capable of sapping life out of enemies. When you start this virtuous performance or maintain it, choose one creature within 30 feet of you. It lose 1 hit point per hit dice it has, the loss of hit point double if they are below 50% hit points. If a creature would die as a result of this performance they may make a Will save, if successful they stay at 1 hit point. .
Enchanting Performance (Su)Edit
As you start this performance you choose a creature within close range to be the target of a hypnotism effect with unlimited hit dice. If the creature succeed it save the performance end, otherwise the effect last until you cease performing.
At 6th level you may target a number of target equal to half your class level. The performance only end early if every targeted creature succeed their saving throw.
Frenzy Crowd (Su)Edit
As you start this performance you can whip a large crowd into a frenzy. You cause any crowd present within 240 feet to become agitated and become a Mob whose size and members are appropriated for the area. You do not control the mob and it last 1 minute for each round you spent using this performance. If you succeed on a DC 30 Perform check the mob is friendly to you, if you fail it is hostile.
This ability doesn't grant a save for the generic commoner, but any named character can be included or not in the effect willingly. This effect can quickly cascade into creating naturally formed mob and a ambitious minstrel can use it to start a riot or even a revolution.
This is a mind-affecting and compulsion effect.
Increasing Despair (Ex)Edit
You use your art to inspire dread and misfortune in enemies within 30 feet of you, inflicting a single daunt level to each creature at the start of their turn as long as they remain in the area of the performance. These daunt vanish at the rate of 1 per round and a single creature cannot accumulate more than half your class level. You must be 2nd level or higher in order to select this performance.
This is a mind-affecting effect.
Insidious Whispers (Su)Edit
Through the use of mundane guile and a bit of magic you can draw the target into doing your bidding. Choose a target within 20 feet of you, if you perform Insidious Whispers for at least 3 rounds while the target stay in range it become vulnerable to your words afterward. At any point within 24 hours you may implant a single insidious suggestion (as the spell) into your target by whispering in their ear.
This is not a mind-affecting effect, although the following insidious suggestion behave much like the spell.
Inspire Menace (Ex)Edit
With great boast and terror you make even the greatest foe hesitant to step toward you. You cause every opponents within 60 feet of you become At Bay from you. The creatures affected remain At Bay for as long as you maintain your performance or until they successfully manage to hit you with an attack roll, at which point they become immune to the effect of this performance for 24 hours.
This is a mind-affecting and fear effect.
Melody of Truth (Su)Edit
When you start this performance you radiate an aura of truth and revelation out of 90 feet. In this radius all creature who shapeshifted must make a Will save or be forced back to their original form and be unable to change shape again until the performance stop or they leave the radius. The Melody of Truth is also baneful to illusion, allowing every creature within 90 feet to count as interacting with any illusion they can perceive.
Raise Heroics (Su)Edit
When you start this performance a and each round you maintain it, a number of allies equal to your Charisma modifier gain 2 points of temporary hit points which stack with themselves. When you end the performance these temporary hit points turn into healing. The amount of temporary hit points granted every round increase by 2 at 3rd level and each thee level thereafter.
Song of Elemental Chaos (Su)Edit
When you start this performance you summon a medium Air Elemental, Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental and Water Elemental bound to your service. The elemental only last as long as you maintain your performance and 1 round thereafter. You must be 5th level in order to learn this Virtuous Performance.
At 10th level you may summon large elemental instead, which increase to huge at 15th and elder elemental at 20th.
This is a summoning effect and benefits from effect which benefits and hinder summoning, such as the Augment Summoning feat.
Start Bacchanalia (Su)Edit
As you start this performance you inspire all creature within 240 feet to party. This make every creature within the area except the Minstrel must make a Will save or start dancing, drinking and otherwise partying. This does not force a creature to do act she consider immoral, which can lead to boring parties but parties nonetheless. While under the effect of this performance each affected creature is essentially Fascinated, although very active, until roused from their party mood or the duration end.
The party last for 1 hour for each round Start Bacchanalia was maintained. After which every creature who participated immediately become Exhausted.
This is a mind-affecting and compulsion effect.